Completing my DIY mesh pads seems to be more challenging than I thought...
Currently, I'm facing a very strange phenomenon. I have a 56-input Megadrum built by Dmitri with a PS board. As a test, I soldered a 35mm piezo to a wire with a TRS jack. The piezo ceramic is soldered to the sleeve, and the brass to the tip. A third core of the wire is soldered to the ring, but it is not connected to anything at the other end. I loaded the "Basic" factory settings using Load ROM Kit and Load ROM Map in the Megadrum menu. I connected the jack to the Snare input. All other inputs of my Megadrum are disconnected.
My problem is that when I hit the piezo with my finger, I occasionally get rim hits in the MIDI Log of MDM. How can that be? Nothing is connected to the ring of the TRS jack.
You can see my settings below, and the green rim hit in the Log.