This is a test firmware for those who has a mesh snare pad with a centrally placed piezo cone.
Warning, this firmware is not suitable for general use.
If you can test it, I'd like to get your feedback. So, what do I want you to do?
Connect a mesh snare pad with a centrally placed piezo cone to a Snare input. Configure your kit as you normally do.
For the SnareH set:
1. Retrigger to over 15.
2. MinScan to over 50.
Rest of the SnareH settings as you normally do for your snare.
Now, when you hit the snare, MegaDrum will be showing a number in the top left of the LCD.
I'd like you to collect the following stats:
When hitting the snare light.
1. Maximum, minimum, average number when hitting the mesh near the rim.
2. Maximum, minimum, average number when hitting the mesh in between the centre and the rim.
3. Maximum, minimum, average number when hitting the mesh near the the centre but NOT touching the centre cone.
4. Maximum, minimum, average number when hitting the mesh dead centre, i.e. right on the centre cone.
And all the same stats for medium and hard hits.
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