3 different notes on Snare ?

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3 different notes on Snare ?

Postby jerash » Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:29 pm


Now the whole kit works perfectly with a basic setup 8-) I try to configure the snare to get 3 sounds :

1. Open hit : hitting the mesh head
2. Sidestick : hitting the side (reggae style)
3. Rim shot : hitting both the mesh head and side at the same time

I've added a second piezzo for the rim, on the ring of the jack.
Both piezzo have the same GND on the jack's sleeve.
I can actually get only 2 sounds

The normal open hit sound is ok.
Then the only other midi note going out from the megadrum is from "DBNote". According to the configuration manual, the note would be active "when the rim/edge switch is pressed", so this should be my rimshot.

I'm not able to send the midi note from "BNote".... :(

So, can someone tell me if this is possible to have three different sounds, and if it is possible with 2 piezzo ?

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Re: 3 different notes on Snare ?

Postby dmitri » Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:27 pm

How did you configure the pad in general (Head Dual?, Rim Piezo? Levels?) and the DualMidPoint/DualMidWidth?
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Re: 3 different notes on Snare ?

Postby jerash » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:01 pm

Here is the complete config for the dual head pad :

CH04 SnareH
Name SnareH
Mnote D2 38
Note D2 38
Anote E2 40
Pnote D2 38
Channel 10
Function Normal
Curve Log3
ComprLvl 0
LvlShift 0
Xtalk 4
XtalkGrp 0
Threshold 18
Gain 1
HiLvlAuto No
HighLevel 800
Retrigger 6
DynLevel 12
DynTime 32
MinScan 20
Dual Head Yes

CH05 SnareR
Name SnareR
Mnote F2 41
Note F2 41
Anote F2 41
Pnote F2 41
Channel 10
Function Normal
Curve Log1
ComprLvl 0
LvlShift 0
Xtalk 4
XtalkGrp 0
Threshold 20
Gain 5
HiLvlAuto No
HighLevel 223
Retrigger 10
DynLevel 12
DynTime 24
MinScan 20
Type Piezo
MBNote F2 41
Bnote F2 41
ABNote F2 41
DBNote D#2 39
PBNote F2 41
DualMidPoint 4
DualMidWidth 0
Btreshold x

The main piezo is big (32mm), so i have a voltage divider, and gain set to 1, and the sensitivity is REALLY good now, with a midi velocity range perfectly adapted from very soft to very hard hit.
The rim piezzo is smaller (12mm), without voltage divider.

I have only two different notes coming out the megadrum : D2/E2 (alternate) when hitting the head, and D#2 when hitting the rim.

let me know if i have some value not correct :?:

also i tried to make the SnareH threshold bigger (up to 80).... but nothing changed, still not able to get the F2 sidestick
http://seijitsumusic.free.fr Intelligent Rock Music
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:11 pm
Location: Bordeaux, FR

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