which Roland module is most similar to Megadrum?

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which Roland module is most similar to Megadrum?

Postby glenn.szymanski » Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:17 am

Tax return just came and it's time to ditch the Alesis D4 and Remopad triggers I've been using since 1998.

I want to buy individual pieces and put together a simple 4 piece kit with crash, ride, and hi-hat.

I'm leaning towards Roland PD 120/125/ 105. I just want separate head and rim triggers with the ability to do positional sensing. I'm still not sure which e-cymbals I want to get, because even after reading the forum, I'm confused about Megadrum's ability to do 3 zone cymbals and which of the hi-hat controllers are the best option.

I don't want to buy a Roland module, because I really don't intend to use any of the internal sounds. Looks like I could pick up a used TD-10 expanded version for around $400?

I just want to have the most expressive (most options for zones/positional sensing) kit possible for the lowest price.

Any suggestions?
Megadrum ARM32, Roland PD-120, Yamaha PCY155, Alesis Control Pad, Korg Wavedrum, Yamaha VL1-m, MacBook Pro, Muse Receptor Quattro
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Re: which Roland module is most similar to Megadrum?

Postby airflamesred » Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:23 am

The beauty of MD is that you can go the drum shop and order any pad or cymbal from any manufacturer, safe in the knowledge that your Megadrum will get the very best performance out of them.

Take a look at the Triggera cymbals - metal not plastic.

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Re: which Roland module is most similar to Megadrum?

Postby privatex » Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:11 pm

You don't have to be concerned about using 3 zone cymbals with megadrum. I had tried all possible designs and it works without any problem (single, double, 3 zone, piezo/piezo/switch, piezo/switch/switch).
This is a European haven for customizing your own, unique e drum set. I'm shure that you can find similar shops in USA.
My choice in this moment will be drum-tec pads and yamaha cymbals, but there's roland too (they are more expensive for the same level of product quality). I would avoid alesis.
I mean for the similar price between roland 125 or 108 and drum-tec pads I choose drum-tec because they are real drums with real wood shells and they look awesome. I don't mention triggering cose I guess that there will be no problem.
I adore those drum-tec bass drums.
Golden grail of electronic drums. Enjoy:
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