Difference in input sensitivity

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Difference in input sensitivity

Postby mmullink » Fri May 26, 2017 11:28 am

Hi guy's,

I'd like to share some findings with you. Hopefully someone can explain what's happening.

I found some settings (see attachment) on this forum which turned out great for my Fame 12" 2-zone (with choke) cymbal. The cymbal is very sensible and doesn't trigger automatically. Both zones work really well and choke function also works. The cymbal is hooked up at input Crash1 (8).

When applying these same settings to my second crash cymbal (identical Fame 12" 2-zone cymbal but hooked up to input Aux7 (30)) I got automatic false triggering (gunshots) and had to raise the threshold up to 20 before automatic triggering stoped. With this threshold value the cymbal isn't by far as sensitive as the first one and I also had problems with the choke function.

I flipped the input cables and now my second cymbal worked great on input 8 (and the first cymbal had the same problems on input 30, so nothing is wrong with the second cymbal). I've also tried some other free Aux inputs but with the same (automatic triggering) result so I figured out it might had something to do with the positional sensing add-on board I've got in my module (PS works on input 4, 6, 8 and 10 (right..?)). So I hooked up my second cymbal to input 10 and applied the same settings. The cymbal now works great but another problem unveiled.

To free-up input 10 (Tom1 was hooked up at input 10) I moved all the three tom pads one input higher. Before I moved all the tom pads, Tom1 (at input 10) and Tom2 (at input 12) worked great (low threshold, very sensitive) but I couldn't get Tom3 (at input 14) as sensitive as the other ones (higher threshold, less sensitive) but I thought it was because of the pad being physically different (Tom1 and Tom2 are Fame 10" mesh pads and Tom3 is a Fame 12" mesh pad).

After I moved all the tom pads one input higher, Tom1 (now at input 12) was still as sensitive as before but I had to raise the threshold level for Tom2 (now at input 14) to stop false triggering and therefor it's not as sensitive anymore. I applied the same settings as before for the 12" mesh pad now hooked up to input 16.

I've flipped around the 10" pads but had same results (input 12: low threshold, very sensitive / input 14: higher threshold, less sensitive). I then hooked up the 12" pad to input 12 and found out I could use the same settings I used for the 10" pads and it also was very sensible with low threshold values (so I appeared it had nothing to do with the pad being physically different...).

Could somebody explain what could be the case before I break my head over this question. I assumed all inputs have the same sensitivity and I could apply the same settings for similar pads but now I'm not sure about that.


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Re: Difference in input sensitivity

Postby dmitri » Fri May 26, 2017 1:43 pm

Inputs with and without the Postional sensing addon differ. So for the same pad/cymbal need different Threshold, Gain and HighLevel on inputs with and without the Positional sensing addon.
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Re: Difference in input sensitivity

Postby mmullink » Fri May 26, 2017 3:00 pm

Hi Dmitri,

Thanks for your quick reply. I already thought that could be the case. But that still doesn't explain the difference in settings (with the same pads) I still have on input 12 and 14. Or is input 12 also an input with PS..?


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Re: Difference in input sensitivity

Postby airflamesred » Fri May 26, 2017 6:58 pm

So what was the difference when swapping the pads over?

7 seems quite low for threshold and 300 is a very round number for high level.

Apart from PS, all the inputs are the same, though anything with a piezo is not an exact science.

EDIT What happens if you put gain at 4 and then set the high level?

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Re: Difference in input sensitivity

Postby dmitri » Sat May 27, 2017 9:37 am

The Positional sensing addon adds precision rectifiers on inputs 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12
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