FSR Hihat wiring

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

FSR Hihat wiring

Postby stefan1982 » Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:49 am

I've been searching for days now, but i can't seem to find how to wire up the Interlink FSR I bought to use it as an FSR Hihat on my MegaDrum.
Could someone help me with this a bit? Share a scheme, or wiring diagram and do I need to use a resister somewhere?

Thanks in advance,


Re: FSR Hihat wiring

Postby dmitri » Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:40 am

There are two possible options:

1. You connect one wire of the FSR to ground and another via a regular resistor to HiHat power.
2. You connect one wire of the FSR to HiHat power and another via a regular resistor to ground.

You take the signal output from where the FSR and the regular resistor are connected together.
The value of the regular resistor will depend on the range of resistance change of the FSR.
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Re: FSR Hihat wiring

Postby stefan1982 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:16 am

Dmitri, thank you for your reply..

I'm using a Neutrik jack plug which I'm going to build into a small casing.


So the question is how the Interlink FSR 406 should be wired, including a resistor (aparently) to the input jack plug. To me, it's not really clear from your answer. Which is probably to my lack of knowledge, instead of your poor answering. ;-)

Could you give a little mor info, or perhaps a scheme?

Re: FSR Hihat wiring

Postby Nepo » Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:13 am

Hi Stefan,

I'm played with the idear to control the HH with an FSR , as in this video...,


but I go to the hallsensor solution.


It is cheaper and easy to handle.


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Re: FSR Hihat wiring

Postby stefan1982 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:14 am

I have seen and read that threat.. Although, it isn't clear to me why it is better, or more reliable..
I have the components for the FSR hihat, as well as a HAL-sensor hihat laying around here. So I could make them both, if I only knew how to wire the things to the Neutrik input female.

Re: FSR Hihat wiring

Postby Nepo » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:52 am

What I'm understand from the function of an FSR is that the voltage is mechanic pressure-regulated.
That needs to find out how hard the spring or foam will be, to got a good range and btw way the FSR ist much expensiver as an hallsensor + magnet.
Look at this, may be you find something:

http://www.vdrums.com/forum/advanced/di ... er-options
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Re: FSR Hihat wiring

Postby ignotus » Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:19 pm

I would say the hall effect setup is more reliable because there is no physical contact between parts - no risk of wear. That said, FSRs seem to last quite a long time anyway.
Here's a picture of the hall effect pinouts:

And here's where each pin connects to the female jack:
jack connections.gif

Assuming you have power wired to tip and pedal signal to ring in the module.
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Re: FSR Hihat wiring

Postby jungleb » Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:02 pm

Hello guys,

I am slowly building my drumkit (the same old story you guys know).
I just got my hands in a FSR 406 and I assembling a DIY hihat controller. I would like to double check with you guys if I understand it right.

So I have two ways of wiring as Dmitri said. I drawn then below.

Would you please let me know if it is wrong?
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Re: FSR Hihat wiring

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:32 pm

It can work either way but in the second example, if I read it right, you will need to reverse the signal with LvlsRevers set to Yes.
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