Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request?)

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby jungleb » Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:09 pm

Thanks for your reply!

I just received the precision rectifier you sent. Thanks you once again.

dmitri wrote:I'm not sure what you mean by "Is it able to add a center piezo to get positional sensing? Is there any way to config this snare setup in megadrum?
MegaDrum supports positional sensing (requires precision rectifiers on inputs with positional sensing enabled) on mesh type pads with a centrally located piezo and it does not rely on other piezos on the pad. You can of course configure it - see ... s-settings

The way I understand positional sensing is the same head piezo will get the waveform for positional sensing. Head trigger is same as positional trigger.
In the setup I would like to try, it will be 3 cone for the head triggering and center piezo just for positional sensing. Head trigger is not the same as positional trigger.

Does megadrum is able to use positional sensing value from one piezo input and use it on another input?

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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 08, 2021 11:07 am

Theoretically it is possible to configure drum app to do this but MegaDrum sends positional sensing MIDI CC message right before Note On MIDI message of the input. So if a Note On message from a different input, for which you want to apply positional sensing, comes before positional sensing MIDI CC message then this Note On even won't have positional data for the current hit.
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby jungleb » Wed Jul 21, 2021 3:45 am

dmitri wrote:Theoretically it is possible to configure drum app to do this but MegaDrum sends positional sensing MIDI CC message right before Note On MIDI message of the input. So if a Note On message from a different input, for which you want to apply positional sensing, comes before positional sensing MIDI CC message then this Note On even won't have positional data for the current hit.

Thank you so much!

How many positional pads is it able support simultaneously? Is it able to change the Control Change number for the snare positional (Change it to CC17 instead of CC16)?

Thank you once again!
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:22 am

It uses the same CC16 for all inputs but the positional CC message is sent right before Note On message so the position it indicates is right for this Note On message.
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby jungleb » Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:32 pm

dmitri wrote:It uses the same CC16 for all inputs but the positional CC message is sent right before Note On message so the position it indicates is right for this Note On message.

I got it!

Thank you so much!
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