5 year Megadrum owner with no luck - please help

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5 year Megadrum owner with no luck - please help

Postby glenn.szymanski » Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:06 pm

Ok, so I bought my Megadrum used off ebay back in February 2015.

The PCB says "Megadrum STM32 ver. 3", there is another PCB that is labeled "07301A-Y5535-17" (I'm guessing this is the positional sensing add on board?).

The main problem I've had is that my Macbook Pro is 10 years old and stuck on OS 10.6.4 and I can't find any old versions of Megadrum manager to work on it. I recently got an old Ipad, but I can't find the MDCommander app to download for it.

When I bought the Megadrum, I hadn't done all my research and had already bought 3 Roland PD-120 pads. I finally had a tech wire in some resistors to "cool" down their outputs. At some point I had read something about the positional sensing not working on these pads due to the shape of the wave? Was this ever fixed in a firmware update or do I still need to have something physically wired in to fix this issue? If so, what?

Finally, I hate the plastic case and have wanted to have it in a metal rack mountable case. 2 years ago I had asked to buy one from Dmitri, but that wasn't possible so I bought my own. I want to have someone transfer all the components into this new case, part of my frustration was that the plastic case never had any of the inputs labeled. I'm not sure if the person I bought it from built it or not.
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Re: 5 year Megadrum owner with no luck - please help

Postby dmitri » Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:04 pm

Why don't to upgrade you Mac to a more recent version?
MDMFX doesn't really care about MacOS version as long as it can run Java apps. The install package for Mac comes with Java inside it. Why can't you run MDMFX?
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Re: 5 year Megadrum owner with no luck - please help

Postby glenn.szymanski » Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:34 am

All of my Music software works on OS 10.6.4, if I upgrade I'll lose it all.

I don't know why it won't install. I tried the newest version of MDMFX and the oldest 2017-07-05 and both of them give me the same message (see attached screen shot)...
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Megadrum ARM32, Roland PD-120, Yamaha PCY155, Alesis Control Pad, Korg Wavedrum, Yamaha VL1-m, MacBook Pro, Muse Receptor Quattro
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Re: 5 year Megadrum owner with no luck - please help

Postby glenn.szymanski » Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:49 am

I believe that my MacBook Pro already has Java, although probably an old version that runs on OS 10.6.4
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Megadrum ARM32, Roland PD-120, Yamaha PCY155, Alesis Control Pad, Korg Wavedrum, Yamaha VL1-m, MacBook Pro, Muse Receptor Quattro
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Re: 5 year Megadrum owner with no luck - please help

Postby dmitri » Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:05 pm

Do you install an MDMFX Mac package with Java bundled or not?
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Re: 5 year Megadrum owner with no luck - please help

Postby glenn.szymanski » Sat Dec 18, 2021 6:10 pm

Ok, so I finally got a new hard drive for this old Macbook Pro and I partitioned it so that I could use my old OS 10.6.4 for my old music software and the newest OS it will run which is 10.11.6

I was able to download Megadrum Manager and install it. The current firmware on my Megadrum is 20171221, I'd like to update that.

If my Megadrum PCB says STM32 ver 3, which bin do I use "a, b, d or e"?

Thank you
Megadrum ARM32, Roland PD-120, Yamaha PCY155, Alesis Control Pad, Korg Wavedrum, Yamaha VL1-m, MacBook Pro, Muse Receptor Quattro
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Re: 5 year Megadrum owner with no luck - please help

Postby dmitri » Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:03 pm

MDMFX, when connected to MegaDrum, will show your version in "MCU:" field, just under "FW Version:" field.
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