I'm getting switch triggering on a cymbal, when I should not be getting anything.
Here's the details: I have built an A2E (Acoustic to Electric) Cymbal. I have one Piezo attached to the bow. I'm using 3.5mm cable. And have a 'Female Jack, 3.5mm, 4 Conductor' jack on the cymbal that it all goes into.
For the TMI (MegaDrum) I have the bow = Piezo, and the Edge = Switch.
The problem is that I will get a Edge hit when I give the cymbal a good whack, even when the switch is not hooked up; so I'll disconnect the switch and there is just a wire hanging from the jack on the cymbal. If I physically disconnect the wire from the Megadrum input, then the hard whack doesn't trigger an edge trigger. This tells me that the problem is located on the cymbal itself. Note: I can adjust the settings in MegaDrum such that even normal to light hits will generate the Edge Switch (done by raising the Threshold).
I don't know why giving this thing a hit is generating a signal for the MegaDrum to detect? The only thing I can think of is that the 4 Pole male connector (from the cable) plugged into the 4 Pole jack is jostling around enough that the pole for the switch is somehow getting a bleed through signal from the Piezo pole. I don't know, I'm stumped.
Any feedback is greatly welcome..