rim but no head

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: rim but no head

Postby ddropski » Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:22 pm

I may be wrong the head may not be triggering on the new drum ( this piezo might be a little more sensitive )

so 1 question is why they all are triggering as unknown ?

I tried other ports and other usb ports on my computer

I cant determine if its just the rim triggering as account I have to beat the head very hard and its catching the vibrations or the head is triggering very poorly
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Re: rim but no head

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 15, 2014 12:24 am

ddropski wrote:so 1 question is why they all are triggering as unknown ?

You have to get the config from MegaDrum with 'Get All' button in top left. You didn't do this and now because you've enabled 'Live updates' you've possibly disabled some inputs by setting the Note to 0.

1. Close MDM. Disconnect MegaDrum.
2. Connect MegaDrum. Run MDM, configure MIDI ports in 'Options' choosing MegaDrum. 'FW version' and 'SysEx Ok' should become green.
3. Click 'Get All' button at the top left.
4. Now in MDM configure the inputs your pad is connected to. Click 'Send All' after you've made configuration changes and want to test triggering or make sure you enabled 'Live updates' before making configuration changes.
5. After you did all of the above is the head still not triggering? If so, post screenshot of your settings and MIDI Log when hitting the head and the rim.
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Re: rim but no head

Postby ddropski » Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:03 am

ok looking better head is triggering as is the rim ... only problem I seem to have is when I try to do a left right pattern or drum roll at a softer hit it misses notes.. on my roland I had sensitivity and turn the threshold down would fix this I turned the treshhold down ( that didn't fix it ) and I don't see a sensitivity option
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Re: rim but no head

Postby ddropski » Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:06 am

when the hit is very soft it misses... I though I had it but I was wrong .... is there a sensitivity option im not seeing?
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Re: rim but no head

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:22 am

Threshold and Gain control sensitivity. Start with lowering the Threshold. You can read about all these settings in http://www.megadrum.info/content/pads-settings
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Re: rim but no head

Postby ddropski » Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:47 am

I think I finally got it working .... I enabled the pos level ( but I cant hear a difference with the positioning sensor except the sound is a little quitter on the edges ... but I think that's because im further away from the sensor ,,

I belive I have it set up properly when set to pos low I hit the edge and the ^ moves to the right when setting the high and I hit the center the ^ moves to the left is there some thing I have to do in addictive drums/ superior to trigger the different sounds?

im actually not sure what I should be listening for all sounds on the drum sound the same no matter what I select

(also how to I put the mega drum and mdm back to stock )
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Re: rim but no head

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 15, 2014 12:15 pm

If you leave 'AutoLoad Config' at default 'No', then when you power cycle MegaDrum it loads default settings. You can then connect MDM to MegaDrum and pull default settings from MegaDrum to MDM.
Positional sensing settings don't affect sensitivity at all.
For positional sensing to have any effect at all your soft synth must support positional sensing, e.g. Addictive Drums.
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Re: rim but no head

Postby ddropski » Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:36 pm

i tried i set the mega drum to load config (no) then shut off the unit ( with the switch )

then i loaded mdm and seletcted get all ... the settings went back to default acceot my :key assignments: snare is still set to d2-head and C32 for rim... i don't think that was the default... ( i may be wrong)

also what exactly am i listeng for with the position sensing? it all sounds the same no matter where i hit the drum(using addictive drums)

mabe im bot setting it up properly? i dudnt understand the instructions that well ....

how do i properly set it up ( here is what i did)

i went to pos low and hit the drum and kept tirning the knob till the arrow was on the right when hitting the rim... then went to position high and turned the knob till the arrow was on the left when hitting center... still it all sounds the same

thanks for the help sorry for the endless questions
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Re: rim but no head

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:11 pm

ddropski wrote:also what exactly am i listeng for with the position sensing? it all sounds the same no matter where i hit the drum(using addictive drums)

mabe im bot setting it up properly? i dudnt understand the instructions that well ....

how do i properly set it up ( here is what i did)

i went to pos low and hit the drum and kept tirning the knob till the arrow was on the right when hitting the rim... then went to position high and turned the knob till the arrow was on the left when hitting center... still it all sounds the same

After you enabled Positional sensing in MegaDrum, you have to configure Addictive Drums to recognise positional sensing MIDI data (CC16).
Post the question about configuring Addictive Drums in viewforum.php?f=4 and hopefully somebody with more Addictive Drums experience will advise you.
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