My first Megadrum build, having an issue

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Re: My first Megadrum build, having an issue

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:02 pm

PonyProg. But you can use whatever you have provided you set fuses accordingly.
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Re: My first Megadrum build, having an issue

Postby amaxin » Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:55 am

Thanks Dmitri,

I could not get ponyprog to work, but I have had *better* luck with AVR8-Burn-O-Mat.

Unfortunately, not all of the fuse names line up. I am using this site to calculate the fuses, but there is no mention of this "Bootlock11" setting.

According to this site, my fuse vals for my ATMega324P are:

lo: 0x42 hi: 0x99 extended: 0xFF

can you tell me if this is correct with respect to your earlier post about the proper settings in pony prog? I am really hoping that this Bootlock11 fuse is what is causing me all this grief.


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Re: My first Megadrum build, having an issue

Postby dmitri » Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:45 am

You have to look at Atmega324 datasheet to see which fuses correspond to which bits and convert what is shown in PonyProg to hex values.
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Re: My first Megadrum build, having an issue

Postby kutluhan34 » Mon Jan 21, 2019 3:03 pm

no lock bits settings on this site: [dont have:bootlock12-11-02-01(or BLB12-11-02-01), LB2-1]
just only have low/hıgh and extended fuse settings..

avrdudess 2.4 has the same interface as ponyprog.(in to avrdudess bit selector tab) and better than avr8. you can set the lock bit set and l-h-e fuse bits on here..

becareful: if you dont use lvp port and you use a SPI interface(ısp protocol-serial interface-eg. USBASP PROGRAMMER);because maybe unprogrammed come to default. your SPIEN FUSE SETTİNG is cannot be changed from this bit selector tab;
as you say from the site by selecting(eg. spien) and you must enter changes manually in avrdudess2.4.
(SPIEN FUSE setting is change HFUSE BİT and you use the SPI interface programmer, you must programmed (bit=0 or check fuse) a spien fuse.)
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