pit21 wrote:I am going to use it on a keyboard through MIDI but basicaly through PIC and usb on my pc to make sound...
pit21 wrote:Oh no a big missunderstanding!It's my fault!I am sorry!I should have mae it clear from the beginning!
I am going to use the PIC and the usb but not from the start...I will start working on MIDI and if i am satisfied i will continue with the usb board!
I just wanted to know if i can programm the IC first without the bootloader using my ISP,test it and then( if everything is going well) programm the bootloader and start updating through usb!That's all!
pit21 wrote:now that we can understand each other should i leave the fuses as they are? this won't cause problems to programm the bootloader later?
pit21 wrote:I recently destroyed an Atmega32 trying to programm it and they are quite expensive for me to do such mistakes!
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