Ken Forgettable wrote:You mega644 settings *are* wrong - check.
dmitri wrote:Ken, does it bother you that 4 times out of 3 it ends up understood only by you what you've tried to say or explain?
How crap ATMELs tools and documentation is; that it should take three months and 21 countries to make sense of it. Microchip are way ahead here but the guys who implemented that architecture have only just retired leaving the PIC to emerge from mists of time (they'd be dead if they hadn't got the credit card market). We'd all be much better off and have much more fun if we got into mCUs with some true pedigree.jman 31 wrote:stuff about this megadrum that was just not meant for me to understand!
elrules wrote:Could it be possible,dmitri, as you asked in another thread, that sending the "erase" sysex and the firmware inmediately (or 100ms, as in MCT) after, does not let enough time to MD to erase it?
#define UART_CTRL2_DATA ((1<<UMSEL01) | (1<<UCSZ01) | (1<<UCSZ00))
#define UART_CTRL2_DATA ((1<<UCSZ01) | (1<<UCSZ00))
Ken Forgettable wrote:This is from the bootloader source at the beginning of this thread.Shouldn't we be using asynchronous (8, n, 1 @ 31250baud) comm's
- Code: Select all
#define UART_CTRL2_DATA ((1<<UMSEL01) | (1<<UCSZ01) | (1<<UCSZ00))
If so the code should read;
- Code: Select all
#define UART_CTRL2_DATA ((1<<UCSZ01) | (1<<UCSZ00))
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