dmitri wrote:ibanman555 wrote:I noticed in 20121207 the raw level values changed as my LowLevel and HiLevel values were adjusted, and this wasn't the case in 21021208.
"raw level" in 20121207 was normalized against LowLevel and HiLevel. In 20121208 it is real raw (oops) "raw level" to be explicitly comparable to LowLevel and HiLevel.
Please, try this firmware:
It's better, but i'd rather use 20121207 still. Still bouncy VU with RdcLvl at 0, and when I change to 2 or 3, it is reduced, but the throw of the VU meter is not gradual (3-4) steps and inconsistent (not returning to the same closed spot). Also, my raw level values in 20121207 are stable, and in 20121209 they are bouncing around between values.