Hi Angr77, thanks for the quick and kind reply!
I read the guide, and do the 2 steps: Set MD basic settings in AD maps, and load in MD ROM_Map_Basic_32 (prefer to do that in MD Manager, is more easy than MD's LED screen and buttons). The ROM kits are useless for me i suppose, since i have diy pads.
But the problems remain, also more questions:
1)When the basic map is loaded to MD, is this the correct order for MD's inputs? (photo below)
How can i change the last input from tom4 to cymbal2 ? Or how do assign any of the AUX inputs to a specific sound (like extra cymbal or bell)
2)In AD2, in Audio and midi setup, in "Active MIDI outputs" the selection is MegaDrum USB Midi. The problem is that sometimes MD is communicate with AD2, sometimes not! The MD Manager always communicates with MD, have always selected for In/Out the MegaDrum USB Midi, so USB must work well. Why AD2 sometimes won't triggered by MD?
Also, in "Audio Device type" i select ASIO4All. Sometimes i have sound in PC speakers, sometimes not! So i change it back to Windows Audio and have sound...Must keep it there always?
3)If succeed and make the exact configuration for pads in MD, how to keep this configuration for everytime i open MD? Must "AutoLoad Conf" to be "Yes"? Or load config everytime?
You're right about threshold and false triggering noise.
Sorry for so many questions, but i'm like a caveman trying to drive a car...