FYI - Since I've seen more and more people referencing building a V2.5 kit based on my list I updated the order list today to break out components for the JACKS board, ISCP programming cables, some other updated components, and more project notes such as URLs to relevant schematics/posts. Keep in mind I have not yet build a successful V2.5 board (it's constructed, just not functional yet) so I make no guarantees the list is complete, accurate, and will result in a perfectly work board. But it should. Here's a direct link to the post with the ZIP file containing both an Excel and HTML version of the order list: viewtopic.php?p=3960#p3960
Note it does not include things you will need such as solder, soldering iron, method to print the PCB images, and a multimeter you WILL need to test the board every step of the way.