A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby Synthex » Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:09 am

Just a question, why do you want to change the crystal ?
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby kimouette » Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:47 am

dmitri wrote:If you change the crystal than you have to update the firmware to the latest version which supports clock selection otherwise firmware update won't work.

Do you mean that there's a firmware more recent than 20081020? Could you give me the link where to get it from?

Knowing that I have a Atmgega32 16-pu, do you still personnaly think it would be preferable for me to change the crystal for a 16Mhz ? Or did I miss something and now, for some reason, changing the crystal has become useless??

And one more question... what major difference(s) is there between the firmware I currently have and the one you're talking about?

Synthex wrote:Just a question, why do you want to change the crystal ?

I told and "informatician" (not an english word I believe) that I had an Atmega 32 16-pu and was hoping to keep on using a 20Mhz crystal with it, and he told me that :

"L'avantage c'est que tu auras un signal amplifié, donc une certaine augmentation de la sensibilité. En revanche, tu n'augmenteras pas que le signal provenant de tes piezos, toutes les informations "parasites" seront aussi amplifiées, et de toute façon ça ne pourrait que faire du bien à ta pièce Atmega que de recevoir la fréquence pour laquelle elle a été conçue" -- C'était pas exactement dit dans ces termes, mais tu vois l'idée...

Si tu me poses la question au départ, j'imagine que pour toi il n'y a absolument aucun inconvénient à conserver ce quartz 20Mhz avec le Atmega 16... Si c'est vraiment le cas, pourrais-tu m'expliquer en quoi cet informaticien a tord et pourquoi Dmitri (au dernière nouvelle du moins) ne semblait pas très en accord avec cette idée de "overclocking"

Il semblerait qu'il y ait eu quelques petits problèmes avec ça, rien d'irréversible et pour très peu de gens, enfin je crois, mais étant donné que la pièce ne coûte pratiquement rien et que j'espère pouvoir éviter un maximum d'effets indésirables, alors j'ai cru bon de changer le quartz!
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby Synthex » Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:29 am

Ca n'a rien a voir avec un "signal amplifié". C'est juste la vitesse du Atmega que sera plus rapide.
Et les "parasites" n'ont rien à voir la dedans non plus.
Dmitri ne veut simplement pas "supporter" (répondre aux questions) si le Atmega est overclocké ... c'est tout.
Sinon 16MHz fonctionne aussi très bien.
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby Synthex » Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:35 am

The last official firmware is the 20081020.

The last bootloader firmware which supports clock selection, is this one :
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby kimouette » Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:23 am

Le bootloader auquel tu me réfère, ça ne peut pas s'installer par le cable USB ? c'est bien ca?

Et j'dois admettre que je ne me fout pas totalement du support de Dmitri
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby dmitri » Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:37 am

Please, stick to English.
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby Synthex » Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:46 am

kimouette wrote:The bootloader which you refer me, it can not settle by the USB cable? That's right?

Yes, you must use the Atmega ICSP cable.
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby kimouette » Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:54 am

Sorry for bringing up an old topic again, but I'm about to build my very first switch and I have a question about the setup....

Most of my questions are for Elrules (or to whoever built a switch following the same procedure)


Looking at the above pictures, I'm wondering...

:?: Where is the piezo glued exactly? Would it be under the cymbal, right in the middle between the bell and the edge?

I'm guessing that these 2 switches can trigger 2 independent zones...
:?: But now what about the 3rd zone? Does it require a second piezo attached to another jack that would be standing under the bow (next to the pevious piezo)??
That would mean a total of 2 piezos and 3 jacks are required to get 3 zones??

:?: Have you been using 2 layers of cans (glued on one another) to get a bigger space between the two plates?

:?: Since I'm using an acoustic cymbal, I know I could use my cymbal as half of the switch, but how exactly am I supposed to wire my actual cymbal to the piezo? Or is there no need to wire it and simply wire the plate?

:?: And finally, could you confirm that choosing that setting does NOT require a 10k resistor that I just did'nt see in your tutorial...

Sorry if some of my questions are already answered in the tuorial on batacas.com, but the translation with google is so bad I have to "guess" what half of the content means!!
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby elrules » Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:58 am

kimouete, give me your MSN and we can talk this afternoon.
Or if not, I will try to answer all your questions this afternoon in the forum.
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Re: A to E drum conversion : Megadrum + Acoustic drum + Junxion

Postby kimouette » Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:06 pm

elrules wrote:kimouete, give me your MSN and we can talk this afternoon.
Or if not, I will try to answer all your questions this afternoon in the forum.

I sent you a private message this afternoon, but I guess it's too late for a chat!
If you can answer my questions here, it could also be usefull to other people.
So whenever you have time...

Again, thanks!
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