Issues after upgrading to the latest MegaDrum firmware version

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Issues after upgrading to the latest MegaDrum firmware version

Postby BazzMasta » Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:54 pm

Since 2 years, I am a proud owner of a Megadrum Atmega 1284 (20Mhz I think) 56 inputs that has worked great in this 2 years. I use it with a Millenium MPS-400 e-drum (pad mesh convertion and MPS-200 and MPS-400 cymbals).

Well, it all meshed up with the new firmware update version 20131111, I also have the Megadrum Manager 20131208 version, so it seems not to be just a old stuff problem. I read you always recommend to have the latest versions of firmware and software. I even did a "clear start" pressing right button while turning on Megadrum.

As far as I can tell, the main problem seems to be with the hi-hat pedal. As I lost all settings, I tried to reconfigure it via Megadrum Manager. When it gets to 96% show a "sysex error" message. So I tried to send configs separately, I worked with "send all pads", "send main settings" and "send global settings", but I got an error with the hi-hat pedal.
Trying more things, I "got all settings" from Megadrum, and it worked for all except for the hi-hat pedal. Even more, each time I turn it on, the high and low levels change. In this new firmware version, you set a real-time display for these values, sometimes I get 225-255, and others 130-150... more or less.

Another problem that is making me crazy, is the treshold of the other pads. Specially with the cymbals. Using Superior Drummer, sometimes I get the right sound, sometimes I get a choked sound (like a chick). I check out treshold levels for the piezo-switch cymbal, I do a "set all bell threshold" and "set all edge threshold", and then begins to work, but no level modified. Really strange.

However, no matter what I do, I can't save the config. I mean, I do can save it, when I like the sounds after reconfiguring all again, but when I restart Megadrum it all go crazy again.

I really apreciate some kind of help.
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Re: Issues after upgrading to the latest MegaDrum firmware v

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:36 pm

Please post your saved MDM settings and I will try to reproduce your issues.
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Re: Issues after upgrading to the latest MegaDrum firmware v

Postby angr77 » Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:26 pm

First. Yes... always upgrade to the latest... but: To all...please always do a backup of your settings... before going to new firmware and new version of MDM. (so you have MDM file of everything) You don't want to loose your settings which you in some cases have been spending years to fine tune.

Second - if you have problems with your MPS 400...check the settings in my library: ... d-library/

I have it working perfectly my system.

Third, I had the the hihat reading problem on my ATMega 1284(I am running a ARM based device nowadays) was always like this until I placed a powered USB hub between my MD and the notebook.

Fourth, set your MD to Autoload=yes...and save your settings to slot 1 on the MD. What will happen when MD starts is that your settings will be loaded from slot 1.

Best regards

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Re: Issues after upgrading to the latest MegaDrum firmware v

Postby BazzMasta » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:42 am

First of all, thanks both of you for your quick answer.

Dmitri, I'll try what Angr77 says and put a powered USB hub between MD and NB. Anyway, how can I send to you my settings?

Angr77, I've done everything you say. Except the powered USB hub, because 'till now I didn't need it, it all was just running great. I've upgraded my MD several times, and of course I have my settings saved through MDManager. And I put the "autoload config", but now it seems not to work sometimes. And even more weird is this things with the numbers of high and low hi-hat levels, changing each time I restart my MD (maybe because, as you say, is some kind of supply problem).

In any case, thanks again, and I let you notice what's happening.
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Re: Issues after upgrading to the latest MegaDrum firmware v

Postby dmitri » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:55 am

Just zip your MDM settings and post it here.
It seems like I broke AutoloadConf on Atmega so for now you have to load your config manually once you powered up your MegaDrum. I will fix it shortly.
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Re: Issues after upgrading to the latest MegaDrum firmware v

Postby dmitri » Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:01 pm

Sorry for misleading, AutoloadConf works just fine.
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Re: Issues after upgrading to the latest MegaDrum firmware v

Postby BazzMasta » Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:17 am

Hi again guys.
First of all, sorry for writing so late, but I don't have my MD at home.
The issue has been resolved, thanks to Angr77. I put a powered usb cable between MD and PC, and it just start working. I can't understand why, it seems unlogical to me, why it happened now, after firmware upgrading... something with power supply?
But what can I say? So far so good.
So, thanks a lot to both of you.
Juan Luis
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