Settings of hihat
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:39 pm
1. How do you name a device which measure level of hihat (roland cy-5). It is device located under cy5 and measure (height) of that cy-5. I am using name Potentiometr. Is it right name ?
2. Using Roland CY-5 and Potentiometr should I set: Single Piezo or Dual or 3 zone Yamaha for BOW ? for EDGE should i set Piezo ?
4. As i wrote I am using roland cy-5. Which parts of hi hat should generate signal: Bow, Bell, Edge ?
5. I have read that roland cy-5 should generate only: Bow and Edge signal. Why my roland cy-5 generate Bell signal ?
6. Make some setting of Hihat I can do some settings in few zones.
7. Which socket in Megadrum should be connected via cable with Potentiometr ?
2. Using Roland CY-5 and Potentiometr should I set: Single Piezo or Dual or 3 zone Yamaha for BOW ? for EDGE should i set Piezo ?
4. As i wrote I am using roland cy-5. Which parts of hi hat should generate signal: Bow, Bell, Edge ?
5. I have read that roland cy-5 should generate only: Bow and Edge signal. Why my roland cy-5 generate Bell signal ?
6. Make some setting of Hihat I can do some settings in few zones.
- a. Left zone: MISC
b. Center zone name: HIHAT PEDAL
c. Right zone: PADS (HEAD/BOW and RIM/EDGE)
7. Which socket in Megadrum should be connected via cable with Potentiometr ?