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Signal bleed

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:27 pm
by Nwagod
Hi guys, I am getting serious crosstalk between later inputs in the megadrum module. The most notorious is the Tom4 input. I've played with the crosstalk setting in the Manager. No matter what I try, whenever I hit the tom4 it triggers both the tom sound and the hihat.

I welcome all suggestions on fixing this.

Re: Signal bleed

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:25 pm
by dmitri
What are the settings on Tom4 and HiHat inputs?
What is connected to those inputs?

Re: Signal bleed

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:01 am
by BiggerNoise
IIRC from your video, your Tom3 and Tom 4 are actual floor toms and you have a RHH-135 for your hat. (bad ass looking kit BTW)

It is my understanding that the XTalk settings are generally for reducing false triggering between drums that are mechanically coupled, e.g., you would use that if your kick was triggering your tom 1 or tom 2.

I replied to your other post, but I had a similar problem with false triggering on my tom3 and hitting my hat causing my tom3 to sound. Both were addressed by raising the threshold for tom3; I think you may have the threshold on your hi-hat too low.

Hope that's useful.

Re: Signal bleed

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:34 pm
by Nwagod

I'll post my megadrum manager setting when I get home tonight, along with a video. I'm not sure if this issue is related to my other post. here's my current setup.

On the back (from left to right looking from the back) top row:
1. HiHat pedal/controller input
2. Kick
3. HiHat
4. Snare
5. Ride
6. Crash
7. Tom1
8. Tom2
9. Tom3
10. Tom4

On the back (from left to right looking from the back) bottom row:

11. Tom5
12. crash2
13. splash
14. Aux4
15. Aux5
16. Aux6
17. Aux7

I don't have anything plugged into Tom3 input because of the way I set up the module. I have my 16" floor tom plugged into tom5. It works fine with some tweaking. I can't seem keep tom4 from triggering the hihat. I also noticed that my splash triggers my crash if I hit it hard.

Hopefully when I post the video and configuration files, it will help you make sense of all of this and point me in the right direction.

Again, I appreciate all the help.

Re: Signal bleed

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:48 pm
by Nwagod
@ BiggerNoise

Thanks for the compliment. I wanted to keep the appeal of an actual acoustic kit, and also be able to revert it back to an acoustic set. The hi hats are actually just a pcy135 coupled with a hall effect controller. I will eventually get the RHH135 though. the threshold on the hihats are in fact very low. I love the sensitivity that it offers. I moved it close to because I'm not currently using it due to this issue.