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Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:27 pm
by listenForward
Hello Friends.
Let me first say how excited I am to join the MegaDrum Community.
I was frustrated that my Alesis Trigger I/O had
--limited input flexibility (only select jacks were dual-zone)
-- limited MIDI support (whole kit had to be on one channel).

I stumbled across the MegaDrum, and was excited by the potenial.
Specifically, I was seeking a way to use a momentary switch (either a rim-switch or even a foot damper pedal) to send a Note message, to sustain synth tones in my sound module.
When I inquired, I was blown away to have such helpful and direct communication with Dmitri (you are awesome).

So, I bought a MegaDrum, and set to work.
wired up an Input Channel...
-crashB got a peizo
-crashE got a switch

hit the peizo to test it worked, it did.
tested switch, it did not. Scanned through menus to checck settings, and saw that crashE was still set to I set it to Switch.
THEN the crash sample started LOOPING...
...except it was sustaining while switch was OPEN.
(I confirmed this with alligator clip over Tip and Ring.)

I was just getting acquainted scanning through the menus, so I can't remember the specifics or order of what I changed.
After changing several parameters, I got it to stop droning OPEN, but now I can't even get it to do that.

When I reset to Initial/Default, it still doesn't make it happen.

Can someone please specify each Parameter Setting that I need to get the Edge Switch of a Trigger Channel to...?
--send a MIDI note ON....
--sustain that as long as I hold it...
--then a MIDI Note Off when I release switch.

(I can reverse the switch polarity to make it play right).

thanks in advance !

Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:42 pm
by dmitri
listenForward wrote:Can someone please specify each Parameter Setting that I need to get the Edge Switch of a Trigger Channel to...?
--send a MIDI note ON....
--sustain that as long as I hold it...
--then a MIDI Note Off when I release switch.

1. Set AltNoteChoking to Yes.
2. Set AltNote to a note you want to use as a sustain note.

Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:11 pm
by airflamesred
The approach I use is to plug a keyboard into the midi thru, with a sustain pedal.

Can we assume that it is Megadrum's 7th birthday tomorrow, or just the start of this forum?

Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:04 pm
by dmitri
airflamesred wrote:Can we assume that it is Megadrum's 7th birthday tomorrow, or just the start of this forum?

It's the date the forum started. I began development a few months before that. Quite a date though!

Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:33 am
by listenForward

Thanks Demiri and others.
I cannot seem to find the AltNoteChoking page;... is it on hardware globals or per-channel/trigger setting ?
Is it only selectable if something else is ?

Or, perhaps, is this something that is only accessible via that MDM editor ?
I still cannot get MDM working on my Mac
( the .pkg file gives me a message "MDM cannot be installed...")

I appreciate the assistance.

Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:26 am
by dmitri
It is a Misc setting between InputsPriority and PositionalIn.

Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:41 pm
by listenForward
dmitri wrote:It is a Misc setting between InputsPriority and PositionalIn.

..don't see that menu available, apparently because my firmware is not up to date.
I don't know what kind of MCU/Board hardware is inside (yet), if that's the "ppp" in

My Megadrum Firmware reads
20110411 20MHz

I assume it's a simple matter to update the firmware.
I assume the first step in doing THAT is confirming whether I have a Protected BootLoader, as per the instructions in your MCT Manual.

In the meantime: I've downloaded MCT on my Mac 10.7.5
gotten it to connect and monitor signals,
FirmWare update does not seem to connect, because the latest firmware (I downloaded) are in .BIN files, and MCT wants .SYX files
I'm sorry if I'm missing something easy, but I'm digging into the learning curve as best I can.


...How can I confirm I have a Programmed/Protected BootLoader?
...can I confirm what MCU/hardware my unit has without opening the enclosure ?
...where do I get the right .SYX file ? (is there an idiot-proof table ?)

Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:54 am
by dmitri
listenForward wrote:...How can I confirm I have a Programmed/Protected BootLoader?

You have the protected bootloader so you can load the latest firmware version.

...can I confirm what MCU/hardware my unit has without opening the enclosure ?

You can try both Atmega644 and Atmega1284 MCU firmware in turn. Only firmware matching you MCU will load.

...where do I get the right .SYX file ? (is there an idiot-proof table ?)


Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:40 pm
by listenForward
again, thank you for your prompt and helpful reply.

I pushed through the Command Line just fine.
My unit wants 644, where 1284 would not load.

However (perhaps this is a bug report),
after I successfully loaded 20140629, my unit
==had screen remain dim, and I could not adjust contrast on page 1
==was VERY slow to advance pages, changing one character at a time (is this a clocking problem?).

So, I repeated the process with 20140518, and
==screen contrast moves fine and can change.

NOW I see the AltNoteChocking feature, which is THE REASON I upgraded to the MegaDrum.
however, even if I set it up the way I want and save Config and DrumMap files,
these don't seem to retain between power cycles.
so I presently have to re-set (every time) thinks like
Code: Select all

I feel SO CLOSE ... I missing something simple ?

Re: Generating a sustaining Note-On/Off from Rim/Edge Switch

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:24 pm
by dmitri
listenForward wrote:However (perhaps this is a bug report),
after I successfully loaded 20140629, my unit
==had screen remain dim, and I could not adjust contrast on page 1
==was VERY slow to advance pages, changing one character at a time (is this a clocking problem?).

Should work fine. Try to reload this firmware.

So, I repeated the process with 20140518, and
==screen contrast moves fine and can change.

NOW I see the AltNoteChocking feature, which is THE REASON I upgraded to the MegaDrum.
however, even if I set it up the way I want and save Config and DrumMap files,
these don't seem to retain between power cycles.
so I presently have to re-set (every time) thinks like
Code: Select all

I feel SO CLOSE ... I missing something simple ?

Did you set AutoLoad Conf?