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debug mode

PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:33 pm
by VipeR
Hello guys,

I'm trying to get positional sensing to work. In all the topics that I can find on it, I see talk of a pointer that I should get in debug mode. Debug mode then again I should be able to enter by setting an odd number in latency. I've tried to do so, but I don't see any change in the display. So... waht am I doing wrong??

I have fw version: 20140518
And yes, I have the PS board installed

Re: debug mode

PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:06 pm
by dmitri
It's not a debug mode. Where did you get this?
You just navigate to PositionalLv in Misc settings. See PositionalLv in for details.

Re: debug mode

PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:57 pm
by VipeR
dmitri wrote:It's not a debug mode. Where did you get this?

I found this:

You can also enable some debugging if you set Latency to an odd value (...,37,39,41,... ) . In the top row of the LCD it will show relative position of the hit as calculated by MegaDrum: ^ symbol shown more to the left for centre hits and more to the right for close to rim hits.
In the bottom row it will show 3 values with every hit: the first is used for calculating position when Positional is set to 1, second - when Positional is set to 2 and third - when Positional set to 3. Use these values to adjust PositionalLow and PositionHigh.

In one of your own posts (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1215).

Thats the debugging mode I was talking about, and no matter what I use for latency, it does only give me the normal VU read out.

Re: debug mode

PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:53 pm
by dmitri
VipeR wrote:
dmitri wrote:It's not a debug mode. Where did you get this?

I found this:

You can also enable some debugging if you set Latency to an odd value (...,37,39,41,... ) . In the top row of the LCD it will show relative position of the hit as calculated by MegaDrum: ^ symbol shown more to the left for centre hits and more to the right for close to rim hits.
In the bottom row it will show 3 values with every hit: the first is used for calculating position when Positional is set to 1, second - when Positional is set to 2 and third - when Positional set to 3. Use these values to adjust PositionalLow and PositionHigh.

In one of your own posts (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1215).

This was an early positional sensing test firmware version.

Thats the debugging mode I was talking about, and no matter what I use for latency, it does only give me the normal VU read out.

Did you actually navigate to PositionalLv, enabled positional sensing, and stayed right there in PositionalLv without exiting to VU meter?

Re: debug mode

PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:17 pm
by VipeR
dmitri wrote:Did you actually navigate to PositionalLv, enabled positional sensing, and stayed right there in PositionalLv without exiting to VU meter?

Thanks for enlightning me.
1st error:I tried to do it all from mdm. :oops:
2nd error: I had overlooked the part of staying in PositionalLv.

I now see the pointer, and its moving. So positonal sensing seems to be working. I just need to do some finetuning.
Thanks for your help Dmitri.

You obviously made a grate tool, but all the possible configuration items are giving me gray hair ;)