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Using 2 Roland KD-7s and Alesis Realhat w/ Megadrum

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:39 pm
by glenn.szymanski

I'm wondering about using a 2nd kick input with Megadrum. I want to use two Roland KD-7s. Would I plug one into the kick input and the 2nd one into one of the other inputs. Would I have to use a special cable or just a regular TS mono cable?

Or would it be better to Y them together into one of the stereo inputs?

Also, I have an Alesis Realhat. Does it need a TSR/stereo cable or is a mono TS cable fine?

Thank you,

Re: Using 2 Roland KD-7s and Alesis Realhat w/ Megadrum

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:54 pm
by airflamesred
The Alesis is mono ( I assume it's the same as the one with the DM6 that my daughter has) and the second kick can be mono as well. I'd use a separate input and a different, or detuned, sample.

Re: Using 2 Roland KD-7s and Alesis Realhat w/ Megadrum

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:50 pm
by dmitri
If you use a mono cable in a stereo jack (two inputs) for a single zone pad you waste one of the two inputs. With a Y-splitter cable you can utilize both inputs for two single zone pads.