Hi-hat triggering C-1
Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 3:17 pm
first of all: Im completely new to electronic drums and everything around it so please don`t burry me for "obvious" things, that i may not see.
I just finished building a complete Setup out of an old shell set. Got everything to work besides the hi-hat.
What I`m using:
-Liquid Tango Hihat (http://www.ebay.de/itm/E-Drum-Hihat-Stereo-E-Drum-Cymbal-elektronische-Hihat-Liquid-Tango-HH-fur-Stativ-/112174565959?hash=item1a1e200a47:g:-JIAAOSw-kdXz~f3 )
- MegaDrum 56 Input-Version
The Problem:
When i set the midi note of the hi hat to e.g. F-1 , the midi-log shows C-1 when hitting the hi hat. If the hi-hat is deactivated, nothing happens. In fact, a hi-hat hit will always trigger C-1.
Pictures of midi log when hitting the hi-hat: http://imgur.com/a/G9YZg
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
first of all: Im completely new to electronic drums and everything around it so please don`t burry me for "obvious" things, that i may not see.
I just finished building a complete Setup out of an old shell set. Got everything to work besides the hi-hat.
What I`m using:
-Liquid Tango Hihat (http://www.ebay.de/itm/E-Drum-Hihat-Stereo-E-Drum-Cymbal-elektronische-Hihat-Liquid-Tango-HH-fur-Stativ-/112174565959?hash=item1a1e200a47:g:-JIAAOSw-kdXz~f3 )
- MegaDrum 56 Input-Version
The Problem:
When i set the midi note of the hi hat to e.g. F-1 , the midi-log shows C-1 when hitting the hi hat. If the hi-hat is deactivated, nothing happens. In fact, a hi-hat hit will always trigger C-1.
Pictures of midi log when hitting the hi-hat: http://imgur.com/a/G9YZg
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance