Use basic piezo element and/or capacitive sensors for input?

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Use basic piezo element and/or capacitive sensors for input?

Postby nstalati » Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:13 pm

Hello Everyone,

I am very new to MegaDrum hence, pardon me for any silly questions :). I was wondering if it is possible to use some very basic vibration/touch sensors like a piezo element or some capacitive touch sensor (without any kind of breakout boards) for the analogue input to the MegaDrum and get a MIDI signal out from it with minimal latency?

So basically instead of using any professional Drum pads,etc. I would like to trigger the MIDI signal through just some basic sensors that give out an analogue signal. Also another question I have is what is the difference between MegaDrum and Edrum ( for which I found a link on the MegaDrum website ? Do these two have to work together to get the result or something?

I really appreciate everyone's time and effort towards this.

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Re: Use basic piezo element and/or capacitive sensors for in

Postby airflamesred » Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:02 am

The piezo has been used in the vast majority of electronic drums for the past 30 years so I think it safe to say you can use them.
You don't need the edrum (Is it still alive) it's an either /or with Megadrum. I'm biased, but MD is very good. Good luck.

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Re: Use basic piezo element and/or capacitive sensors for in

Postby nstalati » Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:03 pm

Thanks for the response airflamesred! :)

I am trying to decide between MegaDrum vs Bela with Audio Capelet for my very low latency analog input sensing, conditioning and MIDI out use-case. If you have any input that may help me decide, that would be much appreciated!

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Re: Use basic piezo element and/or capacitive sensors for in

Postby airflamesred » Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:27 pm

What is the end product?

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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