Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

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Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby jarosz » Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:42 pm


I wanted to connect a DTX Multi 12 to my MegaDrum and ir didn't work as expected. There was a lot of MIDI messages coming from the device, but I played nothing.

I've checked my cables and decided to connect a PC via MIDI to MegaDrum to check it that way. There's something wrong with my device - it messes up MIDI input and sends it to tge output even with MIDI Thru disabled.

I've attached a simple beat (some kick, snare and hi-hat) which I sent over MIDI and got following output from MegaDrum in REAPER.

Code: Select all
0: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
1: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
2: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
3: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
4: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
5: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
6: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
7: 99 18 06 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 6
8: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
9: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
10: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
11: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
12: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
13: 99 18 06 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 6
14: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
15: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
16: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
17: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
18: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
19: 99 18 06 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 6
20: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
21: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
22: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
23: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
24: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
25: 99 18 06 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 6
26: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
27: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
28: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
29: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
30: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
31: 99 18 06 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 6
32: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
33: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
34: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
35: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
36: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
37: 99 18 06 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 6
38: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
39: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
40: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
41: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
42: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
43: 99 18 06 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 6
44: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
45: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
46: 99 18 01 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 1
47: B9 04 01 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 10 val 1
48: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24
49: 99 18 06 [Note On] chan 10 note 24 vel 6
50: 99 18 00 [Note Off] chan 10 note 24

How can I investigate it further?
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby dmitri » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:37 pm

I'm not really sure what you connected to what, what you played and what is wrong with the MIDI output and where this MIDI output is from. Can you please explain it in step-by-step?
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby jarosz » Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:53 am

My goal is to connect DTXM12 MIDI OUT to MegaDrum MIDI IN and then send merged MIDI data via USB to REAPER.

1. When I made this connection, MegaDrum was flooded with CC4 messages and Foot Close notes.
2. I checked the cable, it's OK.
3. I connected a PC MIDI OUT to MegaDrum MIDI IN. Nothing happend. It seems to me that Yamaha sends "Active Sense" MIDI messages, which are misinterpreted inside MegaDrum.
4. I played the attached MIDI notes with REAPER and got above output from MegaDrum on the other PC via USB.

It might be important to note that I've disassembled MegaDrum once to install a DB25 socket for my cable snake. Maybe I messed something with MIDI, but I don't know exactly how to check if serial connection is OK (i have only a simple multimeter).
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby dmitri » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:08 am

Can you connect DTXM12 directly to a PC without MegaDrum and record what MIDI data it sends?
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby jarosz » Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:52 pm

This is around 3 seconds of recording midi input DTXM12 directly to PC.

I've also sent it via MIDI to MegaDrum and recorded its output on other PC.

Forgot to mention that MegaDrum MIDI output works fine.
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby dmitri » Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:27 pm

I'll test it using the data you provided and if MegaDrum misbehaves I will fix it.
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby dmitri » Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:12 pm

I just checked it. MegaDrum doesn't pass (drops) 0xFe Active Sense messages.

These messages which come from MegaDrum:
$B9 4 1
$99 24 1
$99 24 0

are generated in MegaDrum. $B9 4 1 - are MIDI CC messages for pedal positions. Most likely you have not configured Pedals level properly which causes MegaDrum to generate them as it thinks the pedal's positions change. $99 24 1/$99 24 0 - are probably Chicks or Splashes generated by MegaDrum due too detected pedal positions changes but I cannot tell for sure as I don't know how you configured Notes in Pedal.
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby jarosz » Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:14 am

I consider my pedal config a work in progress, but it works fine most of the time.

1. With each note received on physical MIDI IN MegaDrum generates a CC4 message and foot splash (note #24 in my config).
2. It happens only when "New algorithm" is turned on.
3. If I change Hi-hat pedal mode to "Pot" the CC4 mesage is not generated.
4. If I disable and enable "New algorithm" foot splash is not generated, but when I close my hi-hat pedal foot chick is generated (note #44) with each note received on MIDI IN
5. If I disable MIDI Thru, the input is not copied on output, but additional notes are still being generated.
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby dmitri » Fri Jun 15, 2018 4:37 pm

Sorry, but I'm confused now. Why do you enable "New algorithm" if it works fine without it?
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Re: Sent some notes to MIDI IN, got wrong output

Postby jarosz » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:47 am

I thought new=better, but now I understand new=beta.

Are you interested in investigating this problem (therefore maybe finding a bug in new algorithm) or should we leave it as is?
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