Best electronic drum setup under 10k

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Best electronic drum setup under 10k

Postby TovinoThomas » Tue May 21, 2019 6:44 am

Basically, I had planned to build a room within a room for my acoustic drums but it's a logistical nightmare and costs like 20k. My budget's 10k however.

I have a megadrum module with VST and SD 2.0 and can get SD 3.0

Is there an electronic drum setup that can have very realistic bounce with proper rimshot triggering and realistic sounds? 10k is the budget and I can go DIY

So far my idea is to get L80s + Gen 16 triggers for my cymbals.

However, I've no idea what pads to get because Yamaha snare drum doesn't seem to allow me to realistically rimshot

and any mesh heads are just a no-no because it's too bouncy, that includes roland.

Anyone who has tried many pads, and can kinda think of a frankenstein setup for me? (Since megadrum is compatible with basically anything)

I've looked into R-toms,Superpads.

If I can dig-in to the pads like a real drum, that'll be a great plus.

Hopefully someone comes up with a genius idea like that of the L80..
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Re: Best electronic drum setup under 10k

Postby jarosz » Tue May 21, 2019 8:46 pm

Since you are likely to buy L80's/Gen16's which are actually making some noise, I would advice you to consider at least drum-tec pro mesh head, since it's not that bouncy, but more noisy.

Recently I've found this list: ... 595658720/ (no drum-tec pro though), but it states that Roland heads are one of the most bouncy.
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Re: Best electronic drum setup under 10k

Postby Mylo » Wed May 22, 2019 3:27 pm

With $10K you can do a lot if you don’t mind assembling yourself. Here is my A2E adventure so far, all prices reflect shipping and North Carolina taxes when applicable.

Used 7 piece PDP Concept Maple : $640

Drum Module
- MegaDrum 56 inputs : $375
- SD3 : $427
- Laptop (Windows) : $533
- Scarlet 2i4 Audio Interface : $213
- Cables : $51
- Total : $1600

- Used Offset double kick pedal : $355
- Hi-hat stand : $144
- Gibralter rack (only curved front for now, plan to add sides soon) : $256
- Total : $807

Heads and such
- Jobeky Rubber rims : $57
- Jobeky 3-ply (using for resonance heads) : $147
- Pintech Reaction Series : $330
- Total : $536

- Jobeky AI triggers w/ internal cables : $542

Grand Total (so far) : $4127

I plan to add Jobeky Dark Bronze E-Cymbals and mounting hardware for around $1600. Plus $200 more in Gibralter rack pieces.

In the end I’ll have a very nice acoustic look but all electronic set.

As for heads... I’ve tried Jobeky 3-ply, Drum-tec Real Feel, and Pintech Reaction. I favored the Pintech’s in the end because I like the quietness of the 1-ply heads. I’m using the Jobeky 3-ply for my resonance head the drums are ultra quiet.

I've been very pleased with sounds I’m getting. My snare is fully positional so I have the edge, mid-center and center articulations working. I also have the rim shot and cross-stick working as well. SD3 does not support PS on the toms but they do have center, rim and rim shot and I have those working on every tom.

I threw in some pictures.
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Last edited by Mylo on Wed May 22, 2019 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Best electronic drum setup under 10k

Postby Mylo » Wed May 22, 2019 3:45 pm

One other head: Pintech MAXX. This is not on their web site but if you call them they will get one to you. I think it is a single ply but it is a much stiffer mesh than other heads I mentioned in my previous post. This feels, to me, the closest you can get to a frosted head. It has a rough, sand paper feel to it. I placed a piece of paper under it so you can see how transparent it is.
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Re: Best electronic drum setup under 10k

Postby sbonasuk » Wed May 22, 2019 7:11 pm

See my post once the work of setting up is done, totally home made (except for MD) and cost me less than a £1000.00, of course I could have spent a lot more with a SONOR or DW, however horses for courses. In another of my posts are the diy triggers, £5.00 each
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Re: Best electronic drum setup under 10k

Postby Mylo » Tue Jul 16, 2019 3:19 pm

Update on my kit...

I’ve ordered Jobeky Cymbals
Vintage 14” Hi-Hat
Bronze 10” Splash
Bronze 16” Crash
Bronze 18” Crash
Vintage 20” Ride
Low Volume 18” China

Cymbal total w/ shipping: $1,503.40

I’ve added some rack pieces and cymbal holders as well.

Total cost to date: $5,898.15

This pretty much completes my kit and I’m still well under $10K.
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Re: Best electronic drum setup under 10k

Postby ArneyViel » Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:31 pm could also get an ATV EX5 and use the module or add a Mimic. When I played it at NAMM,it seemed to trigger the same as the more expensive ATV kit but the pads are suspended like most Roland ones. It gives you full sized hi hat and cymbals plus 13 inch snare and floor. The 13 inch size makes a big difference for me compared to 12.

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Re: Best electronic drum setup under 10k

Postby xpaceseven » Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:26 pm

Honestly, mesh heads is the only way to go. Most Roland heads are only 2 ply (bouncy) but the company Drum Tec has 3 ply Real Feel heads that act most like acoustic heads. There is a great comparison of all mesh heads and acoustic heads on YouTube by the channel Vdrum Tips.
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