Does Megadrum work on USB3 ???

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Does Megadrum work on USB3 ???

Postby jasse » Sat Jan 16, 2021 10:17 pm

I have moved things around the house and settings things up is a room with my music gear.
I have also rearranged my interfaces among the 3 computers that I use here, so I can't really be sure that my Megadrum is connected the same way as before.
But I got problems when I was trying to upgrade the firmware, it was connection failure.
It worked when I used a USB2 port, not when I was trying while connected to USB3.
Is this a known issue ???
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Re: Does Megadrum work on USB3 ???

Postby ibanman555 » Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:01 am

Is this USB 3 port directly part of the motherboard or PCIe slot? Or is this USB 3 port from a USB hub?
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