Question On Hi-Hat Setup With Mega Drum

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Question On Hi-Hat Setup With Mega Drum

Postby anewdayproductions » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:11 pm

Hello forum, so I'm new to drum triggering in general and still feeling my way through everything. I have the 56 input MD module and am using Superior Drummer 3 for my sound library. For my hi-hat and cymbals I'm using Magnatrack cymbals and triggers. And I think I have my head just about wrapped around everything except the hi-hat/controller setup. Specifically how to properly hook up my hi-hat to the MD module.

I know that the first physical input on the MD module is the hi-hat controller input. And I understand the CC midi thing and how that opens and closes the hats in the SD3 software. But, I don't understand how to physically combine the hi-hat trigger on the hi-hat itself with the CC stuff (the controller) and get that into Mega Drum.

I'm using this for the hi-hats ( ... 4-hi-hats/) which has one trigger.

And then I'm using this for the controller ( ... oller-two/).

So my question is how do I hook everything up? Before I got to the controller part, I initially had the hi-hat trigger plugged into an input on Mega Drum just like any other trigger and it worked fine. But, now that I have the controller thing plugged up (into Input 1) I don't understand how the trigger inside the hats and the controller work together. Do I plug both the hi-hat trigger and the controller into different physical inputs on MD? Or do I plug both of them into a stereo adapter and then plug that into Input 1 (the controller input) in Mega Drum?

If I can just figure that out I think I'm good on the software side with Superior Drummer 3 and getting everything calibrated.

Thanks for your help. And thank you specifically Dmitri for your help so far.
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Re: Question On Hi-Hat Setup With Mega Drum

Postby dmitri » Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:12 pm

HiHat controller goes into HiHat pedal/controller jack (jack 1 as per as per viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1393)
HiHat cymbal by default goes into HiHat jack (jack 3 as per viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1393). But HiHat cymbal can go into any input since in HiHat pedal/controller settings you can choose which input HiHat cymbal is connected to). This is important only if you don't use MIDI CC for pedal positions and want MegaDrum to generate various HiHat MIDI Notes depending on pedal position (see
If you're going to use MIDI CC (and really you should with SD) then you need to set all Notes in HiHat pedal/controllers settings equal to Notes of the HiHat cymbal.

I don't know the wiring of "REMEDY HC-2" controller. If it follows Roland polarity (tip - signal, ring - power) then you can use standard stereo cable with it. If it uses Yamaha polarity (tip - power, ring - signal) then you will have to use a crossover stereo cable (tip-> ring, ring->tip).
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Re: Question On Hi-Hat Setup With Mega Drum

Postby anewdayproductions » Mon Nov 29, 2021 8:03 pm

Okay, I'll see what I can figure out with that info. Thanks.
Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:27 am

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