3D Printable Enclosure for 56-input full-kit

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3D Printable Enclosure for 56-input full-kit

Postby Uraeus93 » Tue Jan 04, 2022 2:40 am

I have designed an enclosure for the 56-input full-kit that mounts onto an Alesis kit. The mounting post bolts on with three M2 bolts so you can design whatever mount you want for your own purpose. It is 180x180mm, so it requires a 3D printer with a bed at least that size. That's the exact size of my Prusa Mini and it prints just fine. Its a real pain to solder all the jacks and assemble it, but well worth it IMO. I'll post a full BOM soon-- I'm away from home right now and forgot to write down the sizes of all the bolts used. Will post directions for assembling the whole thing on the Prusa site as well, since there are a few helpful things I can tell you from my experience assembling it.

Here's a link to the files on my Prusa account: https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/112391-megadrum-enclosure
Here's a link to the jacks I used: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000TG2XXC?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details

Its designed to be used with all of the things that come standard in the full kit with the large color screen, except that you need to solder a USB port onto the board. I couldn't find a reasonably priced panel-mount USB port, and I don't know if the one I found is even available in Europe so I figured the best way to make this shareable would be to design it around a standard, commonly available, right-angle THT USB receptacle.

I designed a cover for the LED that ships with the kit which is to be printed in red TPU. It diffuses the light nicely and fits snug in the enclosure. I intended to design knobs for the encoders, but the first ones I printed were too tight and I ended up ripping the encoders right off the board when I tried to take the knobs off. I decided to abandon the knob idea so that wouldn't happen to anyone else. Luckily I had some spare encoders lying around and could fix it on the spot.

Hope you guys like this design. BTW, I'm currently working on a 3D printable 3-zone cymbal based on the membrane switches from Myrk Instruments. I don't really know what I'm doing but if it works I'll share a link to it somewhere on this forum as well.
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