Another Jobeky post - Real Feel cymbals + DualHead setting

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Another Jobeky post - Real Feel cymbals + DualHead setting

Postby Renzback » Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:10 am

Hello. So I bought all those nice Jobeky Black Stealth Real Feel cymbals. Apart from the single zone ones, I am having one heck of a time setting them OK on the MD module. Basically all I get is Bow and for some of them, choke. Whenever I manage to get the edge to trigger I get both notes (bow + edge). I happens on my 2 rides, 2 crashes and hihat. So I assume it can’t be 5 defective cymbals. Of course a Jobeky does not even reply my questions but I am determined to find the right settings and I’ll post them there when I am done. That being said, any hint will be appreciated! :) :)

Also, in the configuration documentation on the site, there is a mention about the DualHead setting, which "Can be set to No, Yes or 3Way." Apparently this plays an important role. The thing is that this setting does NOT show on the Megadrum Manager FX … I am a bit puzzled. Any clue, dear forum readers?

Project is a Mapex Orion conversion, Triggera and Extreme Drum triggers, Jobeky black stealth cymbals and into BFD3 via a 56 input MegaDrum.
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Re: Another Jobeky post - Real Feel cymbals + DualHead setti

Postby ignotus » Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:23 am

The 'single', 'dual' and '3way' setting is near the bottom of the pad settings in MDMFX, it's called 'type'. For your cymbal you'd set it to 'Dual or 3Way Yamaha' assuming it's a 2-zone cymbal - if it's a 3-zone you need to ascertain whether it's piezo/switch/switch or piezo/piezo/switch. The latter are not supported in theory though it may be possible to get them to work.

Posting a screenshot of your settings and explaining what steps you've taken would make it easier to help.
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Re: Another Jobeky post - Real Feel cymbals + DualHead setti

Postby Renzback » Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:53 pm

Thanks Ignotus!
I am progressing with the cymbals. The hihat is starting to react ok. A bit annoyed with triggering the edge switch, which requires hitting it rather hard. But ill get there!will post settings with screenshots when I’m done!
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Re: Another Jobeky post - Real Feel cymbals + DualHead setti

Postby midnightlamp » Wed Mar 16, 2022 3:37 pm

Renzback wrote:Thanks Ignotus!
I am progressing with the cymbals. The hihat is starting to react ok. A bit annoyed with triggering the edge switch, which requires hitting it rather hard. But ill get there!will post settings with screenshots when I’m done!

I had a lot of problems with mine - but got my ride to work perfectly (it's a 3 zone) and requires a lot of tweaking of the gain settings. I found the following procedure best (as these are piezo switch):

1. get the edge switch to work for muting - while it's not something I use often it's easy to get working. Lowering the threshhold manually was how I did it, such that when I am watching the midilog I get the choke on/off signal.

2. get the main piezo triggering properly (use the default settings for threshold, gain, etc...), Threshold should go down a bit for soft hits, auto level helps, but once you get that you'll want to set that manually.

3. get the edge triggering right - this I found was tricky. These cymbals seem to require a pretty hard hit on the edge to trigger and it takes a lot of playing around to get it to register right.
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