Resurfacing the xp 80 pad.

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Resurfacing the xp 80 pad.

Postby Metalal5150 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:00 pm

Hi guys.
Does anyone know what sort of silicone is used on the xp 80 Yamaha 3 zone pad ?
I've managed to get a damaged one for a really good price but I will have to resurface the main pad area.
I am considering buying large practice pad and use this as a main surface but I thought I better check with you guys first as those size practice pads are rather expensive. I also don't want to ruin the expensive practice pad just to learn that this type of surface will not work well as a replacement for a pad.
Any thoughts or better experience with replacing damaged pad on similar pad ?
Thanks guys !


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