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Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:24 pm
by jman 31
I figured I better start my own thread rather than clutter up the other one with my questions. Here is what I asked in the other thread.

"I had the programming cable connections on the ICSP cable mirrored. I fixed that and now Winpic is saying it's OK, but when it tries to load the FW it goes through the process and then quits and gives me the FAILED error. Would having the 33K resistor to ground, on the PIC that doesn't need it cause a problem?

Will the LCD come on if the PIC is not programmed?"

Any thoughts


Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:45 pm
by Synthex
jman 31 wrote:Would having the 33K resistor to ground, on the PIC that doesn't need it cause a problem?

The 33K resistor to ground doesn't cause a problem for programming.

jman 31 wrote:Will the LCD come on if the PIC is not programmed?

If the Atmega is well programmed, the LCD must come on with or without PIC.

Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:53 pm
by jman 31
Well maybe my Atmega is not programmed after all. I will have to check that. Maybe I mirrored the ISP cable as well. It never gave me any indication that it didn't program it though. Will the PIC's program if the Atmega is not programmed?

Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:59 pm
by dmitri
jman 31 wrote:Nope, It was a problem, but not the only one. I had the programming cable connections on the ICSP cable mirrored.

Not good.

I fixed that and now Winpic is saying it's OK

When does it say OK? Where it siad "ERROR: Programming Failed!" before?

, but when it tries to load the FW it goes through the process and then quits and gives me the FAILED error.

Quits? Quits where? Where does it give 'FAILED' error now?

Would having the 33K resistor to ground, on the PIC that doesn't need it cause a problem?

The resistor will not cause this problem.

Will the LCD come on if the PIC is not programmed?

It will if Atmega is programmed.

Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:02 pm
by dmitri
jman 31 wrote:Well maybe my Atmega is not programmed after all. I will have to check that. Maybe I mirrored the ISP cable as well. It never gave me any indication that it didn't program it though.

When PonyProg fails to program a chip it gives a very clear indication of the failure.

Will the PIC's program if the Atmega is not programmed?

They can be programmed independently and in any order.

Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:04 pm
by jman 31
Sorry I posted over at the other question. I will post everything here from now on.


Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:12 pm
by jman 31
Reflashed the Atmega32. It said that it was successful, but the LCD is still not lighting up. I don't get it. I am pretty sure I have no shorts or breaks.

Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:18 pm
by dmitri
jman 31 wrote:Reflashed the Atmega32. It said that it was successful, but the LCD is still not lighting up. I don't get it. I am pretty sure I have no shorts or breaks.

Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:18 pm
by jman 31
Here is the screen shot

Re: Problem Programming PIC18F2550

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:21 pm
by dmitri
jman 31 wrote:Here is the screen shot

And what is in the "Messages" tab when it fails?