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Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:39 pm
by danifc
I,m new to megadrum world and i almost configured all i want,but my millenium hihat pedal doesn,t work on megadrum.
is there anybody with the settings of this pedal to make it work?
I have no sound on it and it,s a big problem. I have test all parameters but nothing goes well
Need your advice!

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:46 pm
by dmitri
1. Is it a variable or switch type pedal?
2. Does it use a stereo or mono jack?

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:57 pm
by jman 31
Have a look at this thread. It may help.

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:59 pm
by dmitri
I'm guessing it is a switch type pedal with a mono jack.
1. Set the HH pedal switch (right switch on the front panel) to "Low Impedance" position (switch in the Up position).
2. Leave all HH Pedal settings at defaults
3. Set AutoLevels to Yes
4. Set LowLevel to as high value as it will allow you to. What value did it allow to set it to?
5. Set HighLevel to as low value as it will allow you to. What value did it allow to set it to?
6. Press the pedal a few times.
7. Look at the LowLevel setting again. What do you see there?
8. Look at the HighLevel setting again. What do you see there?

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:19 pm
by danifc
thanks for your advices!!!!!!!!
I will prove this!!! :D
Hope it works!!! ;)

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:31 pm
by danifc
The low value in high level was 536 before i push the pedal and the high value in low level was 221.
When i push the pedal hi level was 184 and low level was 183
P.D:I think the cable is stereo...maybe i will try a mono one
Mono one also do nothing...

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:39 pm
by dmitri
danifc wrote:The low value in high level was 536 before i push the pedal and the high value in low level was 221.
When i push the pedal hi level was 184 and low level was 183

This is strange. With AutoLevels set to Yes, HighLevel can only go up from initially set value. In your case it should have not gone from 536 to 184.

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:54 pm
by dmitri
Please confirm it is a switch type pedal and I'll then do some testing.

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:25 pm
by dmitri
Please update to the latest firmware version, 20091007, and then:
1. Set AutoLevels to No
2. Set LowLevel to 110
3. Set HighLevel to 111
4. Set AutoLevels to Yes
5. Press the pedal a few times. What values do you have now in LowLevel and HighLevel?

Re: Issue with Millenium Hihat Pedal

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:15 am
by danifc
Hi Dmitri!
I will try this afternoon,now i,m in the office!
P.D:With the MPC Config Tool I cannot upgrade firmware by now,What is the best option?
Should I install some bootloaderor something like that with midi-ox in windows xp?
Thanks ;)