A few questions on using the MDM

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A few questions on using the MDM

Postby sonson » Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:38 am

1.) Would I need a midi interface to connect the Megadrum Module to the MDM?

2.) Regarding the midi issue, if Megadrum can send/recieve MIDI signals through Just the USB cable, then which "Midi in" and "Midi Out" Do i choose in Main > Options?

3.) I have Midi Init Error, which means my megadrums is not properly connected to my PC.... Theres also no MIDI Log like in the video shown under the megadrum managers tutorial on the megadrum.info site...

Im very new to this megadrum thing, and i just wanna learn to set it up to use it for my edrums...

Thanks for helping! ^https://www.megadrum.info/forums/posting.php?mode=post&f=4
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Re: A few questions on using the MDM

Postby ignotus » Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:17 am

1) Not necessarily, it sends the MIDI data over USB.

2) Choose one of the two Megadrum ports (shown as MIDI[hw:x, x, x] in my case]) in the dropdown menu and tick 'Use same In/Out'.

3) It probably shows that error because 2) hasn't been done. To view the MIDI log, go to 'View' -> 'MidiLog' -> 'Show'.
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