Drum map, how to create and modify it with MDMFX?

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Drum map, how to create and modify it with MDMFX?

Postby Rovalo » Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:42 pm

Dear all,

I searched on the subject but could not find the answer. That is probably because I do not understand the concept of using drum maps in MDMFX.

I have in mind that a drum map is a table in which you can assign midi channels/notes to each MD input.
The table is edited with MDMFX and stored to a MD DrumMap slot with a name.
If I needed to send different midi notes from certain MD inputs, I could load a different drum map to achieve that.
But I do not see how to work with drum maps in MDMFX.
As a test I tried in MD to save a drum map, but I do not see how I can use names for those drum maps, or is that not possible?

Can someone please explain it to me?

I was hoping this could be a work around for my issue with loading configs using MD front controls.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Drum map, how to create and modify it with MDMFX?

Postby dmitri » Wed Oct 30, 2019 7:37 pm

There are no Drum Maps in MDMFX but you can use multiple identical configs in MDMFX which only differ in Notes assignment for inputs.
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Re: Drum map, how to create and modify it with MDMFX?

Postby Rovalo » Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:58 pm

dmitri wrote:There are no Drum Maps in MDMFX but you can use multiple identical configs in MDMFX which only differ in Notes assignment for inputs.
That makes it clear that I did not get the concept, and I still don't...

- Ok, since drum maps are not in MDMFX, I conclude these can only be used with MD front controls, right?
- I find 33 drum maps to be used, is that 33 drum maps per config, so 17 config slots x 33 drum maps?
- And all 33 drum maps (per config) are initially identical?
- And a drum map only has a number and cannot get a name?

Thank you for the explanation.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Drum map, how to create and modify it with MDMFX?

Postby dmitri » Thu Oct 31, 2019 10:51 am

33 Drum Maps (it depends on number of MaxInputs) is a total number of Drum Maps, not per config.
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