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Postby chrmtc » Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:57 pm

I am setting up a 32 inputs "All In One" board.
By the variation of the params "gain" and "threshold" I don't notice any behavior change.
Do they need any activation to be operative?
If I set threshold at e.g 20, I would expect no midi signals with velocity smaller then 20, but
this is not what I get from a midi monitor.
Am I wrong?

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Re: parameters

Postby dmitri » Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:48 pm

Internally MegaDrum registers signals' voltages represented by a number between 0 and 1023.
With gain set to 8 any signal with voltage above around 2.0V is registered as 1023. All signal below around 2.0V will be registered as between 0 and 1023.
With gain set to 0 any signal with voltage above around 4.0V is registered as 1023. All signal below around 4.0V will be registered as between 0 and 1023.
With gains between 0 and 8 the corresponding maximum(reference) voltages will be between around 2.0V and 4.0V.

Threshold is there to filter out noise. So if you set it to 20 than any signal below 20 won't be registered. A signal with level 20 will produce MIDI signal with level 1 (with Linear Curve and zero LevelCompression and LevelShift).

I guess what you want to achieve is done using a different Curve or LevelShift or a combination of them.
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