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Yamaha PCY 135

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:06 am
by Marsh2112

Just got my megadrum and trying to get some Yamaha PCY 135 set up using MDM

Followed the instructions here: ... one-cymbal

Here are my issues with the instructions:

1. In the Head/Bow channel set 'DualHead' to Yes.

I assume the MDM has changed somewhat since this was written? I dont see "dualhead" in the head/bow channel so I changed Type to "3 way Yamaha"

Edit-I see that this is an option when actually using the unit, and not MDM. So, I am assuming that changing "type" in MDM is same as "dualhead-yes" in the MD unit.

2. In the Head/Bow channel set 'Note' to a note desired for the Bow zone.

set to 49 which matches Additive drums

3. In the Rim/Edge channel set 'Type' to Switch.


4. In the Rim/Edge channel set 'Note' to a note desired for the Edge zone.

Set to 112 to match AD
5. In the Rim/Edge channel set 'BNote' to a note desired for the Bell zone.

Where is "Bnote"? Is that alternate note, or 3rd zone note? I tried setting both to 53, which matches the bell of the RIDE in AD. (By the way, I cant find a 3 zone set up in AD for crash cymbals, so I am stealling the ride`s bell. ideas?)

6. In the menu navigate to 'Set All EdgeSw', press Up to change from No to Yes and then press Right. It then will show 'Working'. Now hit a few times edge zones of all connected piezo/switch and piezo/switch/switch (Yamaha style) pads/cymbals. When done, press any button to finish.

Done via MD unit (not MDM)

In the menu navigate to 'Set All BellSw', press Up to change from No to Yes and then press Right. It then will show 'Working'. Now hit a few times bell zones of all connected Yamaha style 3 zone cymbals. When done, press any button to finish.

Done via MD unit (not MDM)

Question: After I do the above final two steps, must I do something with MDM like "get" or "send", or is the info now stored?

Finally, In the MIDI log, I get only 0 channel which hitting the pad, edges, etc. I cant see any of the notes like 49,112, 53.


Re: Yamaha PCY 135

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:12 pm
by dmitri
Instructions in ... one-cymbal are given for doing it on MegaDrum itself via Menu.

Marsh2112 wrote:Where is "Bnote"? Is that alternate note, or 3rd zone note?

Yes, it is the 3rd zone note.

Marsh2112 wrote:Question: After I do the above final two steps, must I do something with MDM like "get" or "send", or is the info now stored?

If you do everything via MegaDrum Menu then if you want pull the config into MDM then you have to do 'GetAll' in MDM.
To save config in MegaDrum memory you have to do 'Save Config' in MegaDrum Menu. If you want it to be loaded on power up, you have to set AutoloadConf to Yes.

Finally, In the MIDI log, I get only 0 channel which hitting the pad, edges, etc. I cant see any of the notes like 49,112, 53.

Sorry, I did not get this. Please attach images as .jpg and they will be shown automatically.

Re: Yamaha PCY 135

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:11 am
by Marsh2112
Hi Dimitri,

Thanks for your responce.

I have attached the new jpeg image with my questions:

1- In head/bow channel should "alt note" and "press roll" note be 49 (same as NOTE) or should these be disabled.

2-Following the instructions ... one-cymbal and attempting to set up via menu, the MIDI log in MDM only registers "zeros" when I strick bow, edge, or bell.
Shouldn't I be getting notes 49, 112, and 53 as I have set it up?


Re: Yamaha PCY 135

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:39 am
by dmitri
If you don't use Alt/Pressroll notes then you have to set them equal to the main Note of the input (zone).

Re: Yamaha PCY 135

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:04 am
by halifax30
Hi Dmitri,
By the way, I've never understood what is the difference between setting the Alt note (or Pressroll note) to 0 or equal to the main Note. What does MD do differently in either case?

Re: Yamaha PCY 135

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:44 am
by dmitri
AltNote/PressrolNote must be set equal to Note if you're not using them. Setting them to 0 doesn't disable them, instead MegaDrum starts to send MIDI note 0 for Alternate/Pressroll hits. I understand that the confusion is caused by the word 'Disabled' when they are set to 0 but it is a result of using the same object to display note names for both Note and AltNote/PressrollNote and this object is programmed to display 'Disabled' when the note is set to 0.

Re: Yamaha PCY 135

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:34 pm
by halifax30
I see, thanks.
What happens, if all 3 notes are set to 0? Does it mean that Note will be disabled (because it is 0), but AltNote & PressrolNote will still send zero notes? If yes, it means that AltNote & PressrolNote can never be disabled. They just seem to be disabled when Note has a value other than zero and you set AltNote & PressrolNote equal to main Note. Is this correct?