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elrules wrote:I have fully read the new document. Pretty well explained.
I have one doubt. If I want to make to send to MIDIOX the full configuration of megadrum. In which format will it be sent? with the obsolete format or will it send 33 different sysex messages (miscelaneous,hihat, and all inputs)? I want to update my megadrum with the last firmware, make a good configuration of all parameters, and then save it to my PC. Is the process the same I had to do with the last version? (you know... open midiox and set it to receive data and then select to send it in megadrum, finally save the data received as a .syx file)
The other doubt I have is about the drummaps, can I backup my drummaps sending them to a PC, I have made drummaps to control all of my samplers and each time I update the firmware I have to redo them, or now the drummaps stay after an update? (I am thinking now that maybe I lost my drummaps when I did updates erasing firmware with ponyprog, but with a bootloader it does not happen, am I right?)
Other things... have Beamrtreaker finished the megadrum control software?? It looked as nearly finished, any news from him?
And... how is it going with the yamaha cymbal support? (you have to see me as a disturbing fly around your ears... heheh)
By the way, thanks for all the work you are doing.
elrules wrote:Other things... have Beamrtreaker finished the megadrum control software?? It looked as nearly finished, any news from him?
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