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Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:39 pm
by japi
Anybody know if hydrogen would work with megadrum?
I just found this amazing software, and is free (linux)
http://www.hydrogen-music.orgIs very light (low cpu usage) and low hard disk use (only 23 mb) with 20 drum kits. I tried it today and sounds great!
Re: hydrogen

Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:07 pm
by dmitri
japi wrote:Hi
Anybody know if hydrogen would work with megadrum?
I just found this amazing software, and is free (linux)
http://www.hydrogen-music.orgIs very light (low cpu usage) and low hard disk use (only 23 mb) with 20 drum kits. I tried it today and sounds great!
If it can work with MIDI inputs, than it will work with MegaDrum.
Low disk usage for music programs is not necessarily a good sign. Neither necessarily a bad one.
Re: hydrogen

Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:08 pm
by japi
I think it will work, i just wanted to know if someone here has tried it and get comments
I'm impressed with the sound quality, being only 23 mb and low cpu usage means that people with old computers could e-drum for the cheap

There's a live cd of music software that comes with hydrogen included, there's no need to install, just boot the cd, it would be nice if someone here tries it and give us his opinion
I will try it as soon as my megadrum is complete
Re: hydrogen

Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:03 pm
by ignotus
I use hydrogen with Megadrum and it works nice! I imagine you could trigger the default kit sounds (1 layer) with an old computer but you still might have latency issues. I have an old desktop pc with 512 mb ram and it works great using kits with up to 16 layers.
By the way, they've just released a new beta version with added features that aren't in the live cd version,I think.
Re: hydrogen

Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:21 pm
by japi
Thanks a lot.. is good to hear that someone is using it.. i 'm towards that route

This sunday I will continue my megadrum build.. time to solder!!

Re: hydrogen

Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:25 pm
by gyro
Ignotus, do you use Hydrogen under Windows or Linux and which build of Megadrum are you using ? I can't get Megadrum fully recognized by Windows via USB ... . Using it under Linux is a breeze.
Re: hydrogen

Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:12 am
by ignotus
Hi Gyro
I use Hydrogen under Linux - anyway, I think further development for windows was dropped some time ago - it's available but doesn't have many of the features the Linux version now has. As for my Megadrum, I'm not sure... it's encased right now but it's a kit I bought off Synthex last summer, though I wouldn't think the version should make any difference, should it? Might be a problem with your windows... does linux detect it ok?
Re: hydrogen

Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:32 pm
by gyro
No problems under linux with the Musix liveDVD and Hydrogen. In Windows I tried with 7 different pc's and laptops for now, XP and Vista (as many different flavors as possible of them). Megadrum is recognized as usb audio device, but no matter what software I use, those programs can't find it. Yesterday I was looking on the site of UbuntuStudio and found an interesting thingy : Wubi (= Windows UBuntu Installer). This way you can install a Ubuntu flavor from within Windows and choose which OS to boot. Ubuntu (should work with other flavors too) is installed as a big file, thus no mess with partitions etc... I think I'm gonna use linux this way until I'm familiar with it. Thanks anyway for your response.