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"Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:26 am
by elrules
Well, I proudly announce Megadrum Config Tool has been released for public use.

You can get all the info you need to install and use it here:

(installation instructions are on second tab of that webpage)

For those of you who don't know what it is all about, Megadrum Config Tool is an application programmed in Java that makes easier the process of configuring all the parameters of Megadrum. Connect Megadrum with the USB cable to your computer and you will be able to configure its parameters. Depending on the operating system you have, you also will (or not) be able to update the firmware directly within this application.

For a detailed list of features /changes, see the version history here:

Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:33 pm
by dmitri
Great! I'll make the announcement on the News page tonight.
Btw, I heard that a latest version of eDrum,, has Sysex support. Can Megadrum Config Tool be extend to be of help for eDrum owners?

Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:56 pm
by elrules
I am going to place a link to the sources, so anyone can feel free to modify it.

I'm sure eDrum has a very different configuration, different parameters and how they are stored. Making a port from this version to an "eDrum" version will represent a lot of time of work.

Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:07 pm
by ruffneck
i sort of got it to work with OSX. I downloaded the mmj "librariers", copied the .lib and .jar from that package to /Library/Java/Extensions. At this point i have to say that MidiMonitor was also running and i could not get it to work. The config tool did show my Megadrum in the midi devices dropdown list. After this i shutdown the MidiMonitor and yes i did manage to read the settings from Megadrum. I was also able to save one config to Megadrum, i changed Kick midi note. After this no changes could be verified. There is also a java midi library called Mandolane which i'm going to try next. However this is shareware and costs 5 Pounds.

I'll let you know if i have any success.

And thanks for making this, elrules!



Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:12 pm
by elrules
The mandalone is freeware if you have a powerpc processor. The shareware version is only if you have an Intel machine. If not, you can download the Plumstone library (previous version) that works exactly the same as the mandalone.

Anyway, you can try for free the mandalone. The only issue is that a dialog window will appear each time you use it. Just press Accept and you can use it.

Could you explain a little more about what you got with OSX? do you mean that the Midi Monitor (the one integrated with my app) works? or is midimonitor a Mac application? I didnt' understand well that

Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:31 am
by elrules
I have just update to version 1.1
See version history to see the last changes
(document also accesible through the "About..." window of the application)

Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:59 pm
by elrules
Well, I have written a lot more of the help manual. Only 3 tabs left to finish...

Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:23 pm
by kimouette
ruffneck wrote:Hi,
i sort of got it to work with OSX. I downloaded the mmj "librariers", copied the .lib and .jar from that package to /Library/Java/Extensions.

Ruffneck do you have an Intel or PowerPc ? On my side, (G4 PowerPc) it doesn't work!

At this point i have to say that MidiMonitor was also running and i could not get it to work.

You're talking about Snoise Midi Monitor right ?

Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:34 pm
by ruffneck
i have a Intel Mac. Yes i'm talking about the Snoise midi monitor not the built in. So i far i can read the settings from Megadrum and update the firmware. However i'm not able to send any changes to Megadrum. At least the settings are not changed when verifying on the Megadrum display. So the midi send part seems to work as i can update the firmware. Maybe i'm missing something?


Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:34 pm
by elrules
ruffneck wrote:So i far i can read the settings from Megadrum and update the firmware. However i'm not able to send any changes to Megadrum. At least the settings are not changed when verifying on the Megadrum display. So the midi send part seems to work as i can update the firmware. Maybe i'm missing something?

Are you refering to the MegadrumConfigTool? Are you able to update firmware with the tool? That is then reeeeeeally strange because sending a firmware is the same as sending a big sysex message, and settings are applied also by sending sysex messages. Reading settings from megadrum is also achieved by sending sysex messages to request settings, and the application 'listens' for the received sysex messages sent by megadrum