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Monitoring CC4 (foot pedal) with MIDI-OX

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:08 am
by kimouette
Hi guys,

I've already asked my question on midi-ox forum, and got an answer that I'de like to be confirmed by someone here!

Here,s the situation :
Each time I press my hihat foot pedal it trigers a continuous list of values that keep scrolling until I close Midi-OX.
When looking at the midi log on MCT and BFD2 I dont have that problem. So I was wondering if maybe there's a way to stop that never-ending list of values within Midi-OX.

The answer I got from someone on the forum is that there has to be something wrong with my foot pedal cuz Midi-OX normaly only displays CHANGES and wont just repeat the same values over and over even though we're talking about CC4.

I've read from MD's doc that :
When using CC messages and MIDI-OX as a guidance you need to achieve such a configuration that CC messages are not sent by MegaDrum in extreme pedal positions.

Could that be a "trail" to my problem? If so, how can I set it up?

Re: Monitoring CC4 (foot pedal) with MIDI-OX

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:13 am
by dmitri
I'm 99% sure that you created a MIDI loop in MIDI-OX, i.e. it sends to MegaDrum everything it received from it. MegaDrum by design also sends everything it receives thus completing the loop.

Re: Monitoring CC4 (foot pedal) with MIDI-OX

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:02 am
by elrules
dmitri wrote:I'm 99% sure that you created a MIDI loop in MIDI-OX, i.e. it sends to MegaDrum everything it received from it. MegaDrum by design also sends everything it receives thus completing the loop.
Me too. Don't select Megadrum as the Output MIDI device in MIDI-OX and try again

Re: Monitoring CC4 (foot pedal) with MIDI-OX

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:21 am
by kimouette
Creating a MIDI loop could affect ONLY the hihat pedal? without showing the same thing for the other pads ?
I'm currently at work so I cant check how I have set up the input/output. But honestly, I dont remember having chosen MD as the output midi!! If I did, it was accidental... I'll check that tonight.

Re: Monitoring CC4 (foot pedal) with MIDI-OX

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:05 pm
by kimouette
Once again you guys were right!
I've been testing lots of different port mapping in order to connect my external soundcard with md pluged in (while powered by the usb port) + midi yoke ports to have both MCT and MIDIOX running.... well anyway everything seems to work now, and yes I had created a midi loop :oops: