Is this simple touch switch a possibility?

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: Is this simple touch switch a possibility?

Postby gide_x » Tue May 17, 2011 9:10 pm

Cool !

Sorry for my bad English, but I try....

I actually completely make my drum set without any "real" cymbals, but completely made in PVC.
In this case, and in my project, I would try to realize 3 zones cymbals with choke.

In combination with a proximity detector (based on QT110 with a capacitor, a resistor, and an optocoupler) and this shema from Key Design Electronic in the answer from Synthex: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=603&start=0&hilit=3zone

The idea is just to place the output of the optocouper in parallel of the TR2 transistor.
At this time, this is only an idea, and I haven't tested this couple. (the proximity detector alone works perfectly at this time)

When I will receive my Atmega from dmitri and solder the board, I would test it and post news and schema (if it work) about that. :D

But one thing is certain: This doesn't work with a mod real cymbal, because the metallic part of the cymbal would disturb the proximity detector. Only use PVC or other non-metallic material ! :!:

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Re: Is this simple touch switch a possibility?

Postby Russ15 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:18 am

Sorry to dig this up from the depths, however I do have a question regarding this cymbal build. Does this cymbal have the capability of being a dual zone cymbal? I have been following different diy cymbal builds and have come across one on the vdrum forum posted by racer52 that is wired up for a roland module, however he uses it as dual zone.

einkahumor build: Piezo Ceramic > Tip / Piezo Disc > Sleeve / Cymbal > Sleeve / Aluminum Strip > Ring (Yamaha wiring)
racer52 build: ... onecym.gif (Roland wiring)

From the video posted on einkahumor's build it appears the cymbal is only a single zone, however he may just be striking the edge and never the bow during the video (or did not assign a note to bow).

He mentions that his setup is the following in megadrum:
"The head part of the input is set to Dual Head: Yes and the rim part is set to Type: Switch and Threshold: 30"

Does this mean you would only have to set a note for both the head/bow and rim/edge sections and on whatever software you are using for sounds to effectively have a dual zone cymbal with choke?
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