DIY backrest for drum throne

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DIY backrest for drum throne

Postby ignotus » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:40 am


Due to constant back pains I made myself a backrest for my drum throne the other day. One of our kitchen chairs collapsed and I decided to recycle it.

Here's what it looked like before cutting it:

I unscrewed the metal bracket the shaft of the stool base inserts into and screwed it onto the chair.

After cutting it, I screwed on the top half of the backrest to the bottom half as it was a bit too far back. Padding was added later for comfort and to get it closer for better support:

Here it is finished. Sorry, but I don't have any pics of the padding - I used some insulation material that is quite firm and that I had left over from making a platform for the e-kit. Did some testing to get the thickness, height and distance right for good comfort as it is not adjustable later. I then covered it all with part of an old handbag that the missus had at home and which was a perfect fit:

Does the job great and at zero cost. The chair is from Ikea and the seat part (without legs) can be bought for around 12 euros.
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Re: DIY backrest for drum throne

Postby airflamesred » Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:29 pm

Nice job, now tell me, at what height do you have that set at?

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Re: DIY backrest for drum throne

Postby ignotus » Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:21 am

You mean the seat? I don't know... about 20cm above my knee. It might look higher than it actually is (I'm not particularly tall); my crappy phone camera does weird things to the perspective.
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