Yamaha XP100T pad controller schematic or description?

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Yamaha XP100T pad controller schematic or description?

Postby Celoranta » Tue May 10, 2022 5:04 pm

Hi All.

Could anyone fill me in on the inner workings of the Yamaha DTX system's 'pad controller' as included in their XP100T device?
I assume this is just a potentiometer, but I can't imagine how it is connected... as the only logical path seems to be already occupied by the Zone2/Zone3 circuitry.
Also, what effect would this knob have within Megadrum, if any? Would Megadrum respond by creating CC messages? Or is any such function restricted to the native DTX controllers?

Apologies if this is not 100% on-topic. I figure this is the place to come for such knowledge!
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Re: Yamaha XP100T pad controller schematic or description?

Postby dmitri » Fri May 13, 2022 9:38 am

As far as I know, it is a rotary encoder - same as front panel rotary encoders in MegaDrum. I don't think it can be utilized in MegaDrum.
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