airflamesred megadrum adventure

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: airflamesred megadrum adventure

Postby airflamesred » Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:23 am

Elegantdrum wrote: Say you start with a PVC pipe. get a cable and connect at both ends. tension the cable until you have the curve you want. then fill with concrete

Concrete? There are curved bars avilable, both metal and plastic.
Elegantdrum wrote:1. Individual mounting will allow better positioning and less cross talk.........i.e. the "slickness" of the final result. Are you willing to sacrifice this for cost?

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, individual mounting doesn't work firstly because the shop bought brackets don't sit close enough together and secondly mounting 38 drums, individually, takes way too long. It then has to be wired.
This is the compromise.

Elegantdrum wrote:I hope this spurs a better result. Again....good looks. that looks really cool.

I agree, I don't think the DIY element is helping with the looks but I'm pouring all my efforts into some concrete playing rather than staring at it.

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