I want to convert a few A cymbals (crashes and splashes) to single zone E's with choke switches but I really want to avoid moving parts and I want to keep circuitry on the cymbal itself to an absolute minimum. I came upon the following circuit on Vdrums.com yesterday:

I thought: Maybe I could build a small board with a few of these switch circuits and simply put it between the input board and the main board of my Synthex-kit MegaDrum. That way the "switch" would be on the cymbal and the circuit would be on the other end of the cable, inside my MegaDrum.

The basic cymbal design I'm thinking about is a clear PVC coat on the underside that stops about 4mm from the outside edge of the cymbal. Then there's a 4mm strip of aluminum foil (some kind of brass foil would look better if I can find some) about 1mm from the outer edge of the PVC. The aluminum film is connected to Ring and the cymbal itself is connected to Sleeve, the Piezo is connected as usual to Sleeve and Tip. When a finger touches both the strip and the cymbal edge (like a regular choke grip), it closes the switch.
I really don't know much about electronics so I thought I'd ask: Do you think that a few meters of cable between the circuit and the actual touch surface would interfere and stop this kind of switch from working?
Another question: I assume I can get the 5v current needed for this kind of switch directly from MD with no need of batteries. Am I right?