100% No Slack Straight Talk Q&A !!BIASED!! USERS!!

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

100% No Slack Straight Talk Q&A !!BIASED!! USERS!!

Postby ibanman555 » Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:01 am

No Smart guy Conversation... I'm not interested in people putting others down, which I see alot of that on this forum... Great invention, and I hope you all know I think this is one of the more special creations to have appeared in some time... I have been reading this forum and think some of the responses could be worded a little more friendly, but that's kinda the irrelevant part.

I have been researching up and down for over a year about the highest quality parts and construction methods for DIY edrum kits. I have seen them all, and to be honest, at times it's hard to keep up with all the comments, recommendations and forums on the internet.

But I wanna know about MD. Straight up. Even the all mighty creator himself might wanna chime in.

I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are of MD in comparison with other midi interfaces for this application. Any and all of them. What truly makes it superior? In the simplest terms possible? Every aspect possible, all in hopes to help others dive into this with a little more understanding and confidence in its capabilities and origin.

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Re: 100% No Slack Straight Talk Q&A !!BIASED!! USERS!!

Postby kupooglop » Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:39 am

ibanman555 wrote:What truly makes it superior?

Dmitri's support & the forum. Look @ the firmware updates. Dmitri adds functionality & fixes bugs regularly. The forum contains enough information for one to build, trouble shoot and fine tune a decent MD and drumkit from scratch. All one has to do is take the time to read it.
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Re: 100% No Slack Straight Talk Q&A !!BIASED!! USERS!!

Postby Bean » Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:50 am

ibanman555 wrote:Thoughts?

The firmware inside the MegaDRUM is flexible enough that by tweaking parameters it will accept most varieties of existing pre-made Edrum hardware. The inputs are clean so it is easy enough add to the circuit if you find the need to enhance it’s input range.

In my case, the MegaDRUM proved to be flexible enough to work with home made setup that is completely uncommon. A good example is my seventh rack tom is a 20 inch diameter mesh head with dual zone piezo triggers and is also an acoustic drum.

- Bean
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