Traps A400 custom e-kit

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Traps A400 custom e-kit

Postby Thanasis » Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:44 am

Hello fellow drummers. I have a drumset from Traps that Icustom build to e-kit because I live in a apartment.
I have put mesh heads and 3 weeks ago I received my e-cymbals which are:
Yamaha RHH-135 hihat 2 zone
PCY-155 ride 3 zone

and kit-toys cymbals
2x 15" crashes with chokes
2x8 & 10" spashes
1x16" china

I am going to install also triggers for the toms/bass in the near future so I currently try to figure out how many cables the hole drum kit will need so as to buy the megadrum version that suits me.
Starting from the yamaha cymbals they use stereo cables with ride 1 and hi-hat 2 cables so the will take 3 inputs on megadrum.
From kit-toys cymbals only the crashes use stereo cables all the others mono so assuming that I am corrent in counting they will take
2x crashes = 2 inputs
2xsplash+1 china= 3 inputs

All these are making a total of 8 inputs
The drums are 5 pieces so the triggers will took 1 input making a total of 13?

Also does anyone has any configuration for kit-toys and Yamaha cymbals for the megadrum?
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Re: Traps A400 custom e-kit

Postby dmitri » Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:35 am

For the number of used inputs your calculations seem ride.
For settings you may want to look at viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1968
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Re: Traps A400 custom e-kit

Postby airflamesred » Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:09 pm

Some settings here ... d-library/

I was under the impression that the Kittoys where all mono but it's not that clear from the site. Easy to set up anyway.

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Re: Traps A400 custom e-kit

Postby Thanasis » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:08 pm

Thanks fbr the answers. I am little bit confused about counting the actual inputs of a megadrum unit at the 32input has 17 inputs+2 midi in/out.
The kittoys crashes are mono but use a stereo cable to reproduce the choke (that's what Mike wrote me)
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Re: Traps A400 custom e-kit

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:20 pm

The 32 inputs module has 17 jacks:
1. One jack for HiHat pedal/controller.
2. One jack for Kick.
3. 15 stereo jacks which can be used with 15 dual/triple zone pads/cymbals or 30 single zone pads/cymbals using Y splitter cable to connect two single zone pad/cymbal to each stereo jack. Or you can mix-n-match any combination between 15 and 30 of single/dual/triple zone pads/cymbals.
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