I`d like to invest in a nice 13" or 14" snare and take advantage of the positional sensing feature.
Does anyone know if the old harts dynamics snare will do the trick?
http://www.musiciansfriend.com/drums-pe ... -mesh-head
Or if the pintech mesh snare here will do it?
I read the following requirements:
--it may work only with mesh type pads with a centrally positioned piezo.
--the pad must not be too hot. If it is too hot it must be "cooled" with a voltage divider.
--the first half wave of a signal from a pad should be positive, e.g my Pintech mesh snare is such a pad. Most of other mesh pads out there, like Roland, Drumtec and etc, produce a negative first half wave. In this case you will have to use a full wave precision rectifier.
...and wondering if one of the above snares will do the trick?